Good. Let them git the digital equivalent of Creutzfeldt-Jakob. It's happening and has been happening. Let them go nuts. exists, how many of you had to check to see if that is actually true. I had to check. I mean, there was a merger. They gotta do what they gotta do. It grinds out pennies on nonsense no one checks on. We taught a rock to interconnect our minds ephemerally, yes the ad cents are making dollars even if it doesn't make sense but aren't the dollars or euros or NFSs or whatever just a pac-man score at this point. Like one you can exchange for food or a Porsche or whatever..... but what is the THING. AI doomerism is here to put horse blinders on us to keep us away from the fact that cross browser compute shaders are a thing now.
Protocols not platforms y'all. The game changed. Let them make money making nonsense. Cut through bullshit. Kill your masters. Host it yourself.
A long time ago I was a part time overnight radio engineer for a faith based radio operation in the Portland, Or area. Literally the only reason they needed a person like me to be there was because sundown happens at a slightly different time every night and someone has to manually lower the power of the AM antenna and log that they did it and when they did it at sundown. If an AM antenna is broadcasting at full power on the dark side of the earth it reflects all the way around and causes very interesting chaos. I frequently muse about AM and the solar wavefront and how it could be used as a lens. No one cares. lol.
They had one kind of cool old guy that paid to run a late night AM/FM radio show, real theater of the mind shit. It was cool to run his show. Brother Jacob. I'm not religious or anything. But 100% of why they paid me $15/hr 3 days a week to show up and overnight be the ONLY person in the building managing six radio stations was about AM and it's insane power.
I really mean it when I say this is one of the best videos I've ever seen. There is something so fundamental on display here and I love it.
Yeah. Keep pushing it. It's cool that you can write an article trying to astroturf the illusion of control once enjoyed. The world changed, if your organization can't evolve and figure out that there's no going back only forward and the model that works is not just sitting around waiting for you to pluck from your recent addled memory... And when I say you i mean me or anyone else who tells you they know what's going on. What's happening is good. The old model was way dead before we noticed under the hyper tight light of a global pandemic.
That for sure doesn't mean people don't want to collaboratively work in person with humans they like towards a goal that they can all agree on. That has been a thing and always will be. Free money created a lot of vampires who malinvested and now they are whining about how they should be in charge.
Lately I think a lot about what it means that every day of my life since post puberty I've been making computers do illusions. Tricks are something blah blah blah. What is the difference between digital goods and making someone a hammer or chair. The infinite reproducibility. The MBA class was so well heeled by all this free money they assumed that the tickets they collected to go redeem at the prize bank were reality and they are and they can redeem them.
Most of the folks that make the big technical pushes are in a minority, but it's not because the rest of the wash can't. The rest of the wash is given busy work to not compete. It's wild seeing people on LinkedIn getting screwed in the layoffs complimenting the people that wrecked em like that's the only meal.
Foster local, atomized, productive communities. Screw the silos. It's now or never and now was really a while ago.
Can we start funding to start scraping reddit like it did for 30% of Geocities or whatever because Reddit this kills the Reddit. Everything that matters is scattered to the winds already like when they killed Oink or The Silk Road or MySpace or AOL or whatever. Seriously though. Reddit is a trove. We should be making a directed effort to archive it as completely as we can. It is kind of their property. I guess. Just as much as the four sites left on the internet are largely populated with screen shots from the other sites... but yeah. I do not have the time to spearhead this, but I can set up a repo and push out an idea and I'd gladly dump some cash into and I think a lot of other people would to.
I really really think if that's isn't already happening it should. The conversations on that platform are our cultural heritage and this scumbag shit can suck my fucking dick. Die in a fire quarterly capital sleep under a painting of a lion dickwheels. Gut me for my past again. I dare you.
I believe they started archiving reddit stuff in 2021, in reaction to a different PR disaster. There was definitely a huge push to archive more and faster in the last month though.
Yeah man. I've got some resources that I can use to sound the caves and map it. I was worried about because it seems like they are under a lot of pressure and NEED to be defended but it's not a thing that has evolved. We as humans, not relying on someone else need to do several orders of magnitude better than did with GeoCities because GeoCities is interesting but Reddit is a literal Library of Alexandria. Anyone who is not either contributing to existing efforts to archive or putting their own scrapers together must really be living a fuckin dream. Heh.
Whatever. Yeah, I'm going to support those archiving efforts and lately I make a lot of effort to be as unprofessional as I can be on Hacker News. Like say words like fuck and balls and dick hole and shit. Seriously. The cooling effect and hive mind isn't about liberals or red pill or whatever. The real shit is that they tricked us into a JS library treadmill.
A world without infinite capital can't keep the treadmill running. YC is part of it. All of y'all scope out my fully animated streaming point cloud composite captures of my fucking nuts. This forum and the rest. Quarterly SV chasing the dragon. Yeah man. FUCK. I wasted so much time with this garbage.
Anyone who reads this. I'm nuts ignore me. All this is dumb. Just keep looking for a new job with someone who will pay you well and definitely respects you and your attention... and when you look back at the best effort in your life and you see NOTHING of what you ever created standing up because all they did was steal from you.... fucking fuck this.
Fuck yes. Thank you. I've avoided checkin in because as you might be able to tell this is personal. I have never seen Archive Team before. I am so ready to get involved and put my body and resources against the wheel. FUCK THIS SHIT.
Sure, very little info for such bold claims, and clickbait. I got mad respect for Mapbox. I do hate ArcGIS. We are ready to back it up though. I've been working on this stack for close to eight years and finally the available tooling has caught up. Ready to launch. Ask me anything. I can't preview the current iteration but I'm happy to show some proof in some older tech demo videos if anyone is curious. I'm also really interested in what people who work in this space are really really looking for that they don't see in the tools they use.