I work for a networking company in bay area and a pretty complex major dashboard is built entirely with Vue. I have only heard good things about it from the developers.
Which in turn made me use Vuejs for this hackernews search that I have been building (http://searchhn.com/).
The documentation is excellent and Vue is well designed, it took a few hours from scratch to learn and build the demo (PS: Not a web developer)
Yes.. as a bay area resident can confirm this. I switched totally to Lyft the past few weeks and have no issues finding a ride promptly. Also all drivers that I met seem to be driving only for Lyft.
PS: What convinced me to totally switch was this https://github.com/lyft/envoy, my way of saying thanks for the Lyft team.
I've observed a growth in Lyft drivers in Dallas, too.
When I first started using Lyft in 2014, there were many times when attempting to request a ride would return an error saying there are no nearby drivers, especially during rush hour (trying to get a ride at 8am was simply a no-go), and it wasn't uncommon for the nearest driver to be 20+ minutes away at various times of day. I actually heard a lot of drivers complain to me about how Lyft sends them pings from people ridiculously far away and saying that it would be better for all involved if Lyft didn't try to match people that far away and just returned an error instead.
Now? Neither of those situations have happened in recent memory. I can't remember the last time I got the "no drivers available" error, and at the absolute worst, I might get a driver 15 minutes away in the height of rush hour.
Edit: Forgot one more thing. I used to see drivers who had two phones for both Uber and Lyft all the time. Nowadays I don't see anyone doing that anymore.
Oh, that was silly of us not to use BigQuery! I was just able to use that download a full million stories (though we still would have had the rate-limiting step of downloading the articles).
During a hackathon it can be hard to tell when to keep searching for an easy solution like that, as opposed to going with something slow you know will work- sometimes it turns out to be a dead end.
IMO I find the domain to user facet lookup to be more useful that the tagging option - I am sure you can just deduce tags from that alone on 90% of the submissions - good demo.
Thanks.. Searchera is something that I started building as a side project. Been working the past few months on packaging it with proper API and plan on offering it as a hosted & on-premises search service.
Not really.. Picking the right language in my opinion is very vital based on your use case. Especially if memory / latency and throughput are very important for what you are building.
For my project after a month in golang, I had to switch to C to avoid the GC pause. It also gave me total control over memory and made best use of CPU.
Will I choose C for every project ?, definitely not but based on what you are building, it is good to make that choice early on in the project.
Also http://searchhn.com for a realtime hacker news search. All of these demos are being rebuilt from scratch and hopefully will be out in a week.