I can select "run Python as a REPL on Windows" in your post, right click, search and find an answer within a minute.
From my experience, onboarding at companies is a painful process due to internal software, specific setups for complex build processes and (frequently) permissions / annoying processes required for downloading and installing things. Those points are not applicable if you are using publicly available and well documented tools on your own machine.
> I can select "run Python as a REPL on Windows" in your post, right click, search and find an answer within a minute.
That takes place only after you search for the python installer, download it, install it, check the environment flags, and restart your terminal of choice.
The web is jam-packed with examples of how problematic it is to setup and deploy Python on Windows, and we're not even touching the problem of how some fundamental packages, such as anything involving the file system, is either riddled with platform-specific gotchas or does not work at all.
Setting up a REPL is a far more involved process than it's being casually described in this thread.
It can be that simple, but there are plenty of times where the easy route doesn’t work. Sure it’s solvable with 5 minutes of googling and applying the top stack overflow solution, but of course the interview is not the time for that. And there are many other aspects that can throw you off and give the unjust appearance of incompetence.
To me, the office mouse feels even more crippling than the crappy keyboard. I usually navigate through code by ctrl clicking on a symbol and then using mouse button 5 to jump back to where I was before, but my office mouse does not have side buttons.
On a related note, if you have never had a mouse with buttons on the side, I can greatly recommend trying it. Especially if you navigate through IDEs with your mouse and not the keyboard, i.e. you have one hand on the mouse and one on the keyboard and not both hands on the keyboard.
From my experience, onboarding at companies is a painful process due to internal software, specific setups for complex build processes and (frequently) permissions / annoying processes required for downloading and installing things. Those points are not applicable if you are using publicly available and well documented tools on your own machine.