Visual basic was the best way to build business apps ever. We just got these features in visual studio. Some we may never get (drag and drop dbs, form builders, etc etc). The closest I have seen was Flash. But if you say Flash or visual basic you are downvoted. I will let people get back to their js frameworks.
You're completely right, however the market for business desktop apps is over; not just because of the web, which is still inferior to VB in many respects, but because companies restrictions of what can be installed in a corporate desktop. It is much easier to use a web service than having permission to install a desktop app in a corporate computer. The huge Windows vulnerabilities destroyed the desktop as a viable business software platform.
IMHO. With calculators introduced, there is zero add in you learning long division. Worse than zero, you could have done something better with your time. ChatGPT is a calculator for all subjects. People have a hard time letting that sink in.
Long (or short—screw long division, with its transcription error opportunities and huge amounts of paper-space used) division is a good exercise to cement the notion of place value, that happens to also teach you how to divide by hand for when it's occasionally more convenient than finding a phone/computer/calculator.
I still bet someone like you could pass any university exam in any subject with access to the ChatGPT app. Without any prep time. At that point it’s good enough.
I prefer when developers and project managers create massive google docs for specs and descriptions. Double points if you share the document with only a handful of favorite employees. Also, ignore all requests to get permission to this document. Eye roll in all meetings if someone hasn't read this document. You can get to god mode if you hide comments around the doc.
"hot take but i think a moat is skill, extreme execution & luck."
Lol. That is the exact opposite of the meaning. Example moats: having cleared FDA two times, getting a great relationship with a taxi board, getting 50% tax breaks from a city in Ohio, etc etc. Moats are x10000 more valuable than "hard work or execution".