"Ciphers are math at work" and then gives a substitution cipher as an example. This topic is challenging enough to explain without trying to explain the f(x) -> y concept without a real need for it, but pretty picture right? I know I am taking this too seriously.
The linked in 2012 breach started getting posted everywhere in weeks previous with high visibility. I don't believe it to be related, but I am sure someone may.
This is oddly worded to me and likely going to cause grief as it sounds like your app can only run on IPV6. I would interpret is as your app must be able to run internet connected when IPV4 is not available. This likely includes your local loopback if you are using (which I infer from the hard code statement).
Or another weird to put it, your application must be IPV6 with the option of a IPV4 add-on.
I am wondering how google (mentioned as an offset to bing) is going to handle the availability tweeking and facebooking feature. It will be interesting to see if my searches now reference some persons personal collection of data and take me away from page source. Search engines are all about recent/modified content and might go to the less official/slightly modified sources. The search engine communities are full of intelligent people, but I still can't get the same 5 pages from stack overflow showing up when I have a problem, no matter how I change the search terms. I usually end up going to the site and then going to the reference link in the answer.
Does this mean that the bash/root runs as Local System and not as admin (or the current admin user)? I am guessing, but it seems like a likely way this got missed.
So they removed the very specific search engine friendly, but human unreadable code (such as 0x00000f4) and are now requiring me to carry a cell phone with a working QR Code scanner and forcing me to use microsoft (not bing) search support that is specific to their website as a jump point. I am sure that a search for HARD_DRIVE_CRASH will always come up with troubleshooting tips, but I'll have to wade through 5 pages before I get to the advanced topics that I need.
I know there is an argument for making this more readable, but if you are at the level of fixing blue screens chances are you can use a search engine.
Windows 8 started this. They decided to copy Apple's useless OS X kernel panic screen, and so only give you one word of useful information, no error code, no exception information, etc.
Unfortunately the QR code might be an improvement over Windows 8 and 8.1 if the QR code contains more detailed information. There are scenarios where you cannot get to the event viewer (or WinDbg) and need to diagnose a pre-boot BSOD. Windows 8 made this almost impossible without attaching a kernel debugger.
Windows 2000 had the best BSODs because they not only told you the details of the crash but also told you which module caused it. This often allowed you to immediately know what the issue was (e.g. if it was in Creative or Nvidia's drives you'd know just from the filename). You can still get the module via WinDbg but it would be useful to have it on the BSOD itself or even in the event log listing.
PS - I strongly suspect the reason Microsoft removed the module name in the Windows XP BSOD was because they were hurting third party hardware vendor's reputation.
> Unfortunately the QR code might be an improvement over Windows 8 and 8.1 if the QR code contains more detailed information.
The QR code shown in the example screenshot is just a link to http://windows.com/stopcode - hopefully they'll improve it to at least include the bug check code.
The text code they list in the "if you have to call a support person" map one-to-one to the old hex codes, and a search on Microsoft's site will get you the hex codes quickly if you need them.
The MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH from the screenshot is an 0xE2, for example.
A BSOD isn't interactive, the only thing you can do is search for the error code. Even if users copy down and type the hex code correctly (not at all a given), the search results might be a random ten year old blog post or information about a different version of Windows. The QR Code takes you to an official help page that gives updated, version specific instructions a normal computer user could follow: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/troubleshoot-b...
I've troubleshot BSOD errors over the phone with relatives. Plain-text error message are a welcome improvement over hex codes.
By forcing you to use a QR code that links to their site they can track how frequently BSODs happen and what the most common error codes are simply by reporting on web server logs. Its a way of forcing people to report crashes when they otherwise wouldn't.
I live in a a pocket region doesn't have Daylight Saving. This year we added the town of Fort Nelson to our little time zone. Nobody concretely seems to remember why we started to do this, but it is generally agreed on that we do it for business reasons. Much of our business is tied to our neighbors to the east in a different time zone. With the winter months typically being more busy. Coordinating resources is much easier given this system. I thought I would throw a counter argument into the ring, although I would state it is an edge case.
He acknowledges his crassness at the bottom. Unfortunately, sometimes ignorant people have a point. Native regular expression support is a big deal, if it balances towards a better platform is another question.
I am hoping this an advisory for those implementing these devices. The device does what it should by publishing everything that it is setup to do. It is leaking information everywhere as designed. There are a lot of things such as public transit that you want this information being broadcast everywhere. You could write the same story for an FTP server with an open connection to the internet.