i tried this trick, and saw a few interesting bugs. obviously this whole trick is an edge case, but i had some visual doubling of my large piece after certain clicks, and also i had an event happen where i heard the click sound stacked up 100 times then the app became unresponsive
fruit flies are used in research because they are relatively simple, well-studied stand-ins for a larger class of organism.
having a super minimal reference implementation of a complicated subject makes it easier to learn, and easier to build on in a way that will be broadly understandable way. it's a communication tool
Whiteboards are usually used for collaboration, and your coworkers or candidates can't really "opt out" of a smell, so it does make sense to be thoughtful about this (some people have strong aversions)
Thanks for being thoughtful. The smell bothers me so much that I removed the whiteboard from the wall of my office so that visitors couldn't write on it.
now that so many applications (slack/atom/spotify/signal) are built with Electron, there's tons of first class software in linux, plus with tiling window managers that are better than anything on macOS
Investing all of that money back into development though, it's a passion project.