Tonic was invented to make quinine palatable to British soldiers in India. About three minutes into the scheme, someone added gin.
So quinine is indeed arguably the original “active” ingredient, sugar was second (to mask the flavor), and alcohol “let’s just pretend this isn’t happening” was third.
Even if they don't restrict it to British passport holders travelling to the USA, it's still arguably easier to screen for the virus through one departure point than, say, 30.
At least here in Australia, corner shops doing repairs are a dying breed - there's no money in it once you factor in rent and electricity and wages. An online search replacing a popular Samsung was $AU99.
My current 3 year old phone is also a dying breed where when the time comes, I can buy a genuine Moto battery for $AU16 delivered and replace it myself in under 30 seconds.
It was a preview release, but they've already started rolling it out to the regular Nightly channel and according to this very blog post we're discussing it's supposed to have a "public release later this spring".
Given that any changes have to work their way through the Beta channel, too, there's not much time left for landing changes in Nightly that will still make it into the first Release version... so the first official Release version that will be pushed out to everybody will indeed be in an unfinished state.