so you believe if your teacher or parent tell you not to over eat sugars, not to drop out of school, take care of looks, because these things will prevent you from being rich, relationship, comfort.
you believe this type of messaging shouldnt be shown because we are too mentally weak to handle it? you dont believe parents should parent their child either? you think anything that can possibly make a human form an opinion is inherently evil? do you think a company that lets say shows how boring your life is so they try to sell you a book is wrong.
or a workout machine shouldnt show what it can potentially offer to your life. or basically extending your life. a school that sells prestige and highest level of education should instead never advertise so you dont feel dumb?
im not saying this is the ideal utopia. this is reality. for businesses to work they need money, for a country to prosper it needs successful businesses whether it be govt or otherwise. you want to teach kids to be able to handle reality not play victim. ofc this is just my way of seeing things. but i believe being able to use what is being offered to your advantage is what makes successful people. and ill be damned if someone in the states believes they dont have all the opportunities in the world with the most access to whatever they want with govt regulating the things you are so afraid of to at least a reasonable level. being able to identify the evil in everything thus shutting themselves off is counter productive imo and its honestly even a blessing to be able to think like this lol. many countries this cant even be a factor because these companies cant even exsist to give you these evil messages. because they dont survive in those small economies
There are literally hundreds if not thousands of studies about precisely how to navigate people in aggregate and take advantage of every little bit of human psychology to maximize profits. It's not about people being mentally weak but about corporations and marketers knowing how to best break past people's mental barriers.
You are not unique among the millions of people. Advertising works - and it also works on people who adamantly believe that it doesn't work on them. Often because people think of themselves are more intelligent than the average person.
Almost nobody claims to like advertising. They might prefer advertising over subscriptions as a form of payment - but not because they like ads but because it doesn't take money from them directly but rather indirectly. Yet despite the almost universal hatred of advertisements its the worlds largest business.
Advertising would not be in the top 10 of worlds largest businesses if it didn't work on hundreds of millions of people. It bears repeating. You are not special. Neither am I. Despite my best attempts at avoiding advertising I can nearly guarantee it affects my purchasing decisions perhaps without my awareness of it at all. Subconsciously there like a parasite. Because that's how advertising actually works.
Nobody sees an ad and goes "I want <ad product>". That's not how advertising actually works but it's how people think it works. 3 months down the line you're buying beer for a party and buy a pack of Heineken without thinking too much about it. And that is when they have won.
theyve already partnered with aws. i mean every online company works through ads if not direct purchase/subscription. its just the only revenue model that works. unless every user purchases pro how else would they make money? sell perplex t-shirts? its obviously a costy product to maintain.
and if your not going to pay cash for a product then whats the only other revenue system that you will tolerate? its ads. everyone is fine with it in actuality but act like they arent. thats the funny part. vote with wallet, they will comply
every business is trying to sell you something. or make money off you somehow. doesnt necessarily mean its a bad thing, in fact you could think of it like a service we want and willingly pay for.
lol forreal? its not skilled work i dont know what to say. your definition everything is skilled but thats not how people use it in this context and it becomes a useless term.
also have you seen a vending machine? its already automated.. its literally what this person is doing: taking order, giving correct drink. yes they have ones that pour it and everything. even give the correct change.
and i dont even know where to start of your ideology of fair either. i feel like its flexible enough to use it however fits your idea why denying any other
its kind of wild your trying to create sides in this fake debate and then somehow trying to side with repairing electronics over peoples health?
why though lol, do you hate sick people? or just have no empathy for people in general?
who cares about technicality and semantics and whois using whos catch phrase better... we should be discussing an issue far more important, like so much more important its funny to even compare. then being able to switch your iphone battery out.
I have no idea why you take any of that away from what I wrote. I am in favor of both repairing electronics and people's health. I'm just saying that the right-to-repair framing for medical stuff is not a great way to look at it.
i mean we could. but it seems like you wouldnt want that since your brining it up yourself. seems very like a very easy thing to ignore since it doesnt seem any malicious. unless there are trademarks im not aware of.