It seems to be a typical postmodern viewpoint that every idea is equally valid. But even if you're not "racist, sexist, xenophobic, or accepting sexual assault", if you, as a reasonably minded individual, back Trump, you're condoning all of these things, which is really just as bad ... Not everybody's idea is valid!
that's just your opinion and I feel bad that I'm voting for the same candidate as someone like you who doesn't tolerate other people's political choices.
I feel equally as bad that this person has been fed a narrative and hasn't gone out to debunk the propaganda and find out what is really going on behind the curtain. We can have a disagreement, sure, but when the argument is just shouting "sexist, racist, homophobe, xenophobe", etc. it's clear there's no real political discourse to be had, which is sad because there's a boatload of disgusting politics and corruption being exposed right now.
This election season has been very difficult. We effectively have two choices for president. I imagine there are very few people whose values align perfectly with the candidate they're voting for. I hope we can all keep this in mind, both now and after the election.
Each voter has to figure out where to best cast their vote, compromising some of their values for others they prioritize. One hopeful way to view this is that they're likely a lot of values we hold in common. These are things we can hopefully work on together.
* This is really a very general statement I've tried to keep in mind in reading all of these comments, not just this thread. It's placement isn't a reflection of my opinion of the immediately preceding comment or the one prior. It just had to be placed somewhere.
In the hopes of better communication, if you'd like to down vote this comment, will you also take the time to add a brief reply? I appreciate it.
I'm not from the States. From Europe and watching in disbelief. My point was that supporting a sexist, xenophobic candidate is to condone his sexism and xenophobia. To tolerate this for some political or personal agenda is to be intolerant.
OR, you could just get off your ass and build it yourself ... monetary cost: $0, time cost: 6 months, benefit: you now have an extra skillset and the ability to execute your ideas
Building a car by oneself is unrealistic, building an app is completely feasible.
Berlin is a FANTASTIC city to bootstrap your project ...
reasons: 1. cheap cost of living, 2. availability of relatively well paid contract work, 3. A very supportive startup / creative community who are willing to share info and resources, 4. A very smart and creative demographic, 5. wonderful bars, clubs, and restaurants, 6. German people are actually a decent bunch :)
disadvantages: 1. over-strict regulations in dealing with Banking and Regulatory bodies (whatever you do, do NOT sign up for a postbank a/c), 2. Less than ideal weather.
Overall a win I think, which is why I continue to call Berlin my home.
They don't close. They. Do. Not. Close. As a nocturnal developer I could go out to a club, get back to my hostel at 2, write code for 2 hours and then go out again. Bliss.
If this happened me, in 2012, I would go straight onto kickstarter to get donations for the legal fees and fight these dickheads tooth and nail.
You don't know what you will do until you're actually presented with the choice. It's easy to say such things when your only emotion is outrage, because you read about the story happening to someone else. It's not as easy when you also have abject fear of financial ruin.