Isn't more about the type of food you eat instead of just calories? I tried to eat less but then I end it up having to eat again in the middle of the day.
I don't know. I've been limiting myself to ~400 kcal. About half of the time this is chicken, veg, and whole-wheat noodle soup. That's still a reasonable size portion, and I guess has some vitamins but I'm not a vitamin counter by any means. I do whatever makes me feel good, and this does the trick for me. I used to go to restaurants a lot more, but now hardly ever. And I really do stick to the "if I'm not going to be useful I go home" thing, and fortunately I'm in a group that's fine with it so long is it doesn't affect deadlines. Maybe once a month I'll cave to the urge to eat a big whatever and immediately regret it.
To a point, yes - but to a point, no. Candy doesn't fill me up like veggies, for example - yet I'm not packing in protein to try to keep me full either.
For me, part of the equation was finding out when I'm most hungry naturally. Eating a proper breakfast makes me more hungry later in the day. The same goes for eating a large lunch. So I tend to skip breakfast, have a small lunch - usually just a cheese sandwich, some fruit, or a piece of bread. Possibly have a small snack (fruit, nuts, chips), and then a large dinner. This also follows my own natural energy level - I'm a night owl. My mother is the opposite.
unless you're talking about mobile you can use streamlink (or livestreamer) + mpv (or vlc) and all your problems will go away
you might need to tweak the config a bit
I gave up using Twitch on a browser, it just sucks (and they keep adding more bloat, weird page refreshes that often load the videos twice, notifications that I have to close every single time unless I'm keeping their cookies permanently)
Those stutter too all the time, chunks of video get skipped, etc. If your link to twitch is not good enough, `livestreamer` won't help very much. Though this is infinitely better than twitch player that can't even hide its controls reliably.
I don't know the technical details but for me and everybody else I ever recommended it always fixes the stutters. Multiple ISPs and computers were tested too. Maybe it's because I'm not from the US?
One thing I'm sure is that it uses way less CPU and helps with my ISP throttling because anything 720p60 and above is a problem if I'm using a browser.
There are options to modify the buffer, reconnect and more but I almost never change my config except for hls-live-edge like once a year (for something that is not Twitch).
Does it even matter when the people using these numbers will distort the facts anyway?
(this may not apply that much to books but most types of content are usually filled with DRM garbage, region restrictions, usually have worse quality and distribution methods, and they pretend to not understand why people choose to pirate it)
If you think most people who pirate are aware of region restrictions or notice the quality difference, I think you're mistaken. That's a rationale that some idealists use, but most people would just rather not pay.
Streaming video piracy sites are becoming more popular than downloading, and that's usually poorer quality and worse interfaces than the official sources.
These people wouldn't pay no matter what you do so it's not really relevant. I'm talking about people who resort to piracy because they can't pay to get what they want. Or the value just isn't justifiable.
For example, I feel cheated when I have to wait months for content to be available in my country. Sometimes years (or not ever). So I go and download some torrent since I can't buy the content anyway. And now I'm one of the numbers on their spreadsheets.
If licensing is broken or too hard to manage, they should spent the money fixing that instead of going after "pirates".
I purchase out-of-print paper books, but I would really like to get out of the dead-tree-storage business.
A couple of years ago we donated most of our 3000 books to our school. I still have boxes, though. Mostly textbooks, because textbook sales terms have become even more exorbitant than when we were students.
I would gladly pay for eBook copies of the novels I own and enjoy. Many are simply not for sale.
And textbook market is getting weird: either $200 each, or open courseware for little or no $$.
Content scripts can access the window object of the page in which they're injected, so that shouldn't be an issue, I don't believe - if the page in which a content script is running can remove data from localStorage, the content script itself can, too.
One of the reasons I use that extension is that it deletes things a short while _after_ the last tab for a site is closed (so they undoing the close lets me keep going). In that case there's no content in which to run scripts.
I hope this (and the many more examples) put a stop to this "unlimited" bs. You can't say people were abusing a service that throws that keyword for marketing reasons.
A year ago I implemented JSON-LD using Google's documentation and validator on a brand new website. Months later, it had zero impact on the results and it didn't even picked up the city, only after I added it to the footer that results started changing (like "business + city").