I have used a lot of RDBMS vs NoSQL solutions and I love SQL Server. I have used and written services consuming/reporting/processing thousands of transactions per second and billions of euro per year.
The profiling abilities of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and its query execution insights, the overall performance and scalability, T-SQL support, in-memory OLTP, and temporal tables - I just love SQL Server.
I'm not sure if it's just that I learned SQL Server better in college than MySQL, Mongo or Postgres but it's just been an amazing UX dev experience throughout the years.
Granted, there's some sticky things in SQL Server, like backups/restores aren't as simple as I'd like, things like distributed transactions aren't straightforward, and obviously the additional licensing cost is a burden particularly for newer/smaller projects, but the juice is worth the squeeze IMHO.
Hi, you need to make sure you're using "Visual Studio 2022 Preview", not just Visual Studio. Even with "Use Preview SDK's" enabled in the VS2022 tools and options, it will not work unless you have the preview version of Visual Studio installed. You can still create .Net8 projects in Visual Studio, but to build and run them, you will need to do it from the command line (i.e. 'dotnet run').
Totally agree. If the service you're providing is so important, build your system so it can fly on one engine or at least land safely. Multi-cloud is the equivalence of trying to transfer all of your passengers to a different aircraft mid-air.
Multi-cloud should only be for mission critical infrastructure. Very little infrastructure is mission critical. Most other use cases can be temporarily wallpapered over with an "Under maintenance" page unless there's a good reason otherwise.
Multi-cloud introduces more risk than it prevents. Which is why things like simulated failovers and BCP testing is constantly required.
It is fairly intuitive but my first few landings in a Cessna 150 were not pleasant at all. Granted it was a grass runway but I'd have been in serious trouble without my instructor. I'm sure the tower would have been able to give good guidance on pitch, angle, etc. but there's a lot of juggling going on when you're landing a plane, especially when you're inexperienced.
Yep, I think ads is just another way of saying monetization. The app has lots of annoying notifications like "You might like...", "You got 100 upvotes", etc which, when you engage with more, they make more money through ads, coins etc.
Your attention, retention and engagement is a lot easier to manage and increase through an app than it is through website.
Instead of direct monetization, they probably measure by engagement. If a service has a permanent presence on your device, you get a LOT more engagement and recurring visits than a web version. Websites on mobile are one-time, visit-and-forget/move on things.
I'd love to be proven wrong though; what websites see daily, recurring, long time active usage?
Also not to be underestimated is that a mobile app will always have better UX than a website. Think of the subtle things like page transitions. Navigating Reddit still causes full-page reloads, whereas on the app it's a much more organic process. Speed is also an important factor.
Exactly this. To give you a datapoint from our properties: Our web site attracts 90% of the users, but only 60% of the actual traffic. In all metrics like retention, frequency and time on site, mobile leads by factors of 2-5.
Part of that is definitely self-selection, but as some people already said, other notable effects are push notifications, mindshare, loss aversion (you're on somebody's device already, so they can just as well use it) and partly better performance.
So much about the users, but Monetization is much better as well, mostly due to mobile ad-IDs, which especially on iOS lets you extract double the revenue per user due to targeting. Ad blockers are harder to bypass.
In the end, a mobile app will get you anywhere between 2-10x the revenue per user you attracted to your property, so that's why Reddit is pushing so hard.
I understand, but they're also pushing many users away with this behaviour.
It's what I like about HN.. It feels like they don't even care how much users 'engage'. I bet they don't even run a report on it. They just let us do our thing here and not worry about it. As a user this is a much nicer experience.
Easy for HN to do that. HN is not incentivized to make money. The people who run HN do not care if HN does not make any money. In fact, they have zero monetization strategies for HN.
HN has ads on its front page. Not many of them, and they are quite hard to spot at a glance (mixed in with the content, not clearly marked as such) but they're there.
AFAIK, the only ads are the ones described in the FAQ:
> A regular "Who Is Hiring?" thread appears on the first weekday of each month (or Jan 2). Most job ads are welcome there. Only an account called whoishiring is allowed to submit the thread itself. This prevents a race to post it first.
> Another kind of job ad is reserved for YC-funded startups. These appear on the front page, but are not stories: they have no vote arrows, points, or comments. They begin part-way down and fall steadily. Only one is on the front page at a time.
I'm not sure either of those qualify as ads in the sense we're talking about Reddit ads -- the first one doesn't bring in any revenue to HN (or cost "advertisers" any money); the second one seems like it's a perk for "graduating" YC and it's unclear whether it's something HN makes revenue from, either.
There's currently one on the frontpage for GiveCampus, shown below a regular story:
14. The Haunted House – Privacy on Google Street View (harpers.org)
8 points by b0b10101 1 hour ago | flag | hide | 1 comment
15. GiveCampus (YC S15) hiring Sr Engineers who care about education (lever.co)
1 hour ago | hide
Distinctive features: no upvote button, no point value, no flag link, no comments.
Right, I included the Haunted House entry (a regular story) for contrast.
The job posting is certainly "sponsored content", a privileged post put there at the behest of a third party, which blends in fairly well with neighboring posts yet isn't subject to the normal rules. I don't know if money actually changes hands to put it there (maybe each YC company is granted a posting there, or maybe they have to pay for it), but in other respects it's straightforwardly an ad for a job.
All that said, I have no problem with it being there.
Your answer reminds me; we are focusing on Hacker News as if it's its own thing, but part of the answer is right in the URL. HN is a part of ycombinator, which presumably pays the bills.
> what websites see daily, recurring, long time active usage?
Do you really think that people would stop going to reddit if they used the site instead of the app on their mobile?
(But, of course, the people more prone to recurring visits are more likely to install an app.)
> mobile app will always have better UX than a website
And again, it's reddit we are talking about here. The app experience is just horrible.
They really hurt their own monetisation by making the subscriptions too expensive though. They more than doubled in price recently. It's not worth the price anymore for me.
In fairness, Visual Studio has all of the features of VSCode and many more out of the box too - however, I find myself ducking into VSCode for it's better UI/UX - e.g. JSON/XML formatting, Git source control, code colouring and theming etc.
Visual Studio is not open source. The community edition has T&C unlike IntelliJ community edition. Also IIRC asks you to login with a Microsoft account for sustained usage.
And it is still not good as the equivalent Jetbrains products. Jetbrains products have almost no restrictions either in the free version or in the personally paid versions as far as I remember.
IntelliJ also has a very good git support story, and I find myself using less and less cli git for anything from rebase to selectively staging certain chunks of code.
Personally, I would put "Sapiens - A brief History of Humankind"[0] in the list rather than it's successor "21 Lessons for the 21st Century".
While some people have some gripes about The 48 Laws of Power and Robert Greene's other books, in my opinion, they serve as a really valuable tool for understanding how most medium and large companies work. And for anyone interested, a great way to dip your toes into it is by having a look at Derek Sivers' book notes - https://sivers.org/book/48LawsOfPower