The recording should be available in a few days, check the mailing list, But the author didn't go into the details of how he converted macros to python.
I did a bit of Excel programming in Python; a tool to extract, and sanity check, data from a spreadsheet, send it to a server and populate results back in the spreadsheet.
The "Python Programming On Win32" book by Mark Hammond was a great resource
I think you're misinterpreting what Dijkstra said and getting it almost backward. His point is that testing is inadequate: only a convincing proof of correctness is sufficient to conclude that software works without error. In his words:
> program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence
But proofs are hard. Therefore he advised that the program and its proofs (he didn't say tests) be created together so that the program could be constructed in such a way as to make the proofs easier.
"But what will most certainly be forgotten is there was a generation of students in the 1980s and 1990s who were encouraged to use flow charts, long after the reason for using them had disappeared."
I don't know if I entirely agree with his conclusion. The smartest people I know code with a pen and paper. When they're on the bus or subway. When relaxing, or thinking carefully while away from a computer.
Those who program in the shower and then write it down after before they forget. Analogue programming tools (pan/paper) are great tools.
I thought the article was going to end with him pointing out that he found a great practice that we can all benefit from now. Planning code ahead of time is still better than typing away, we're just not forced to do it anymore.
The mapping plugins are truly impressive but, personally, I'm looking forward to making use of the hexbin plugin and testing out the new transition chaining.
I did a quickie hexbin / d3.geo map of my Twitter archive, was very easy and nice quick results. Being able to try out various projections and have everything else just work was a really nice experience.
Nice work! The background information at the start covering the Stanford Visualization Group and Ben Fry's approach to Data Visualization are very nice touches