The first (easy mode) image worked like magic - I crossed eyes, let them rest and the differences shimmered in a very static 3rd/middle image. Couldn't for the life of me rest my eyes on 2nd and 3rd though. [edit - tried to zoom out, worked on 2nd image too]
Leaves maybe, the seeds are certainly used? And the leaves at least in dolmades comes to mind (not the vine leaf wrap obviously, but in the rice inside)?
Does anyone else have captcha issues with these days? I just hit an infinite loop of repeated asks to solve a captcha. This is a relatively recent issue.
Here's an alternative link from the Internet Archive:
FYI if you get stuck in a captcha loop, try an audio captcha, it'll tell you that there's an error and you can't proceed, but for whatever reason the visual captcha will happily keep you clicking on signs and traffic lights even though you can't ever pass.
Often the cause seems to be the captcha service itself getting too much traffic end not your IP or browser.
ALA must be converted to EPA and DHA, which it does at less than 10% efficiency, so you'd need to consume an assload of it, too. Your best bet is still fish(oil).
and you can actually use up all the various desaturase and elongase enzymes in the process so that 10% upper bound drops markedly as you consume more ALA. Put differently long chain n-3's production definitely isn't linearly dependent on short chain n-3s like ALA and stearidonic acid.