To answer your question: I really don’t know yet. The request comes from wanting to do a project together, and also for him to learn valuable future skills. He loves Legos, Spider Man, and Star Wars, so we will have to wait and see where his imagination goes.
In my opinion, everyone is focused on the wrong thing. HOW these layoffs occurred is not as important as WHY.
According to various sources, the company is about to go public at a $6.9 billion valuation. On top of that, it just got a $1.5 billion cash infusion.
Can someone tell me why the CEO and the executive team aren’t getting laid off, too?
“On Nov. 30, TechCrunch reported that the company was getting a cash infusion from its backers sooner than expected. Blank-check company Aurora Acquisition Corp. and SoftBank decided to amend the terms of their financing agreement to provide Better with half of the $1.5 billion they committed immediately instead of waiting until the deal closes.“
“On Nov. 30, TechCrunch reported that the company was getting a cash infusion from its backers sooner than expected. Blank-check company Aurora Acquisition Corp. and SoftBank decided to amend the terms of their financing agreement to provide Better with half of the $1.5 billion they committed immediately instead of waiting until the deal closes.”
> To me, this is not relevant. What people should be focusing on is WHY.
Totally fair that to you it is not relevant. But that doesn't imply that people should be focusing on what you think is relevant instead of what they think is relevant.
The delivery of the message is super toxic from a labor relations POV and I think a lot of people care about that, as a lot of people sell labor to employers in order to survive.
"The excuse is 'what about ancient applications that don't run properly in recent Windows.' But you know the real reason is 'I suffered for my art, now it's your turn.'"
"Opportunity likely experienced a low-power fault, a mission clock fault and an up-loss timer fault. The team is continuing to listen for the rover over a broad range of times, frequencies and polarizations using the Deep Space Network (DSN) Radio Science Receiver. The team has begun mission clock fault recovery commanding 'in the blind,' in the hopes of catching the rover during an awake period, as their strategy of last resort."
This is how Redbox always plays hardball with the studios; don’t want to negotiate a fair deal for us to stock your movies? Fine, we’ll give our employees credit cards, send them to Best Buy, and have them buy 10 DVDs. Then we’ll have a pizza party, unwrap all the shrinkwrap, and then ship them out to all the field workers who stock the kiosks.
How is this any different, except with digital downloads codes instead of physical discs?
FWIW, I worked at Redbox back in the day as the company’s social media manager. The process I described is exactly what happened when the studio that owned the Twilight movies refused an agreement that would let Redbox stock “Breaking Dawn (Part 1)” earlier than 54 days. Fun times.
Of course, it was all fun until we discovered that we’d sent out disc 2 (special features) instead of disc 1 (the movie) by mistake to about 80% of the kiosks. The Twitter shitstorm from angry suburban moms was ... not fun.
I consider myself a reasonably educated guy, and this article feels like a lot of gibberish and gobbledygook. I admit I read through this article three times and can’t make sense of it.
WeWork ia a coworking space where you can rent an office on the cheap. Meetup is basically the SIG/user group model writ large.
I ask this in all sincerity: what am I missing here?
I work for Patientory. Please explain why the application -- which is not proposed, but has actually been in development for 16 months -- is dumb. After all, it only has the potential to make data breaches in healthcare organizations a figment of the distant past, reduce health IT costs, and provide a universal medical record that's unhackable.
To answer your question: I really don’t know yet. The request comes from wanting to do a project together, and also for him to learn valuable future skills. He loves Legos, Spider Man, and Star Wars, so we will have to wait and see where his imagination goes.