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I want you to know this made me laugh very hard.

> I want you to know this made me laugh very hard.

Thank you! Then the long-ago time spent in my American Lit classes was not wasted.

That concept of "strange consistency" reminds me of my experience writing Clojure, for some reason.

Nil punning in Clojure gives you that kind of experience, for example. Things that would break in other languages, just "work as you'd expect them" in Clojure (except when you drop down to host primitives, and then nils don't behave nicely anymore). In general, it makes for a really pleasant dev experience, I find.

Forget FC '25: this is the football game I really want!

Good stuff, solcloud. Keep following your heart.

Except it is unfortunately american version of "football".

In CS 1.6/GO there have been community versions of actual football but unfortunately CS2 has killed them off completely.

Yeah forget EA, this is football, thank you :)

I feel your pain. What a dumb system.

This is what all technical tutorials should look like. Well-composed and generally free of grammatical errors, spends just the right amount of time explaining each new topic as it is introduced, comes with full code samples, and includes visual samples of what the code does. Also, lengthy enough to treat the material in depth, while still being sufficiently self-contained that I can follow along -- without having read part 1 and without more than a few months of Common Lisp under my belt from a couple years back (tho I've done a decent amount of Clojure and Emacs Lisp.)

Bravo, awkravchuk/Andrew :^)

(Crossposted from https://mxjn.me/2024/10/17/1)

Importantly, it's written, as opposed to a video. That's a huge plus already. You can copy and paste things, read things legibly, follow along at your own pace, consume it in silence, easily save a copy for offline use/archival (where you can also annotate it), easily search for things, etc.

Seconded! Top notch longform programming material.

Thanks so much guys :)

I love the addition of the infinite domino machine that has nothing to do with ball transport.

I've made more than one friend on Hacker News, one of whom I've met in person. Encouraging that to happen, by way of an app, is a great idea.

Every project has bugs at first, but I see you're dealing with them as they pop up. Best of luck working on it.

I used to use Beancount religiously (before some job and health difficulties left me less capable of tracking my finances as closely.) My biggest complaint was always that I didn't have something like autocomplete/syntax highlighting to cut down on the manual-ness of data entry.

Most of the aforementioned difficulties are behind me, and Paisa looks like an awesome way to help ease me back into Beancount. Thank you! I'm going to try it out soon!

There is a beancount mode for Emacs that does a lot of what you want, but only really of use if you use Emacs.


The beancount mode for VS Code is also pretty good with syntax highlighting, autocomplete, tabbing, autoformat, etc. It's what I've been using for years.

But I think the "real" answer, especially as more countries get increasingly cashless, is to just import a CSV or OFX every few weeks so you're not actually manually entering anything.

Intrigued by beancount mode in vscode. Will try.

I do otherwise employ the workflow you mention: automatic downloads and supervised but nearly automatic imports.

For importing: https://github.com/jbms/beancount-import For downloading: https://github.com/jbms/finance-dl

My kingdom for this approach to take the place of (some/all) leetcodes.

I adore this book. A second edition?! Boy howdy is that exciting. Thanks so much Daniel!

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