How was your experience with My package is kind of good already. Will help it push further up?
Can you share what kind of strategies you have applied to negotiate more?
Why is this getting downvoted? Iceland did roll out a crypto-currency, the article did claim this other to be the first. Seems logicalman is being just that ;).
It's much easier for a computer to recognize audio than video content. I'm sure in a couple of years, YouTube will automatically flag violent terrorist propaganda.
Not just any audio but known audio. Finding known video is something they can do already too. That's why some people upload clips from their favorite shows and flip them horizontally to avoid automatic detection. Think of it like a hash for the audio/video portion. Pretty easy to check if it's in the database.
I'm surprised whatever feature detection they use isn't robust against trivial changes like that. Rotation, flipping, and scaling/cropping should all result in the same hash.
We only brushed over how hashes work in college, so I may be totally ignorant, but-- wouldn't rearranging the order of the data (rotate, flip, etc) necessarily change the resulting hash?
Variables affect the world in long time frames. The influential Harvard study on human happiness[1] could only have been conducted over the course of a lifetime. Check out The Long Now[2] for a group of people evaluating variables at the 10,000 year time scale.
This is a bad idea. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and other well endowed schools spend more money per student than they receive from tuition. If they were for-profit institutions, they would be further incentivized to raise tuition.