Maybe this is a different use case for code generators from what you have in mind? This isn't one-time upfront scaffolding, it's a recurring part of the development process.
When email templates are edited in the external service, you run the generator to pull in the latest structure, and it breaks your build with new type errors.
I don't use Apple TV much, but one of the things I like about it is how it lets me download the video file locally. The quality is so, so crisp. I pay for the more expensive version of Netflix, but it's not quite the same start to finish.
Yeah, I hate watching 15 minutes of something at low quality because one TCP packet was dropped. Paranoia leads to the most user satisfaction ("at least the show didn't freeze") but I would rather buffer the thing locally and watch in uninterrupted 4k @ 50Mbps or whatever. (Also, what's the point of gigabit internet if I can't watch a measly 50Mbps stream?)
Sure, but Netflix uses HLS, I assume, and doesn't have segments that are 15 minutes in length. So if you did drop a tcp packet, you're more likely to have lower quality for 10-20 seconds, not 15 minutes.
Sure, if you wanna pay the DASH tax to a hundred patent holders. DASH doesn't even really hold much of a technological benefit anymore now that their's finally a standard for HLS-LL.
Yeah and I hate pirating. Don't get me wrong, I do it, but only because Disney+ isn't available in Cyprus while I'm traveling or what have you. I make triple what would put me in the 1% in Canada. I can easily afford to pay for content. It's only UX issue for me, not a resource constraint. I'm happy to fund creators, but please just make things easy, transparent, reliable, and high quality.
I can't count the number of times I've tried to pay for something legitimately only to have to resort to piracy because of one flaw or another. Disney (and similar) should be hosting weekly Ask HN posts to fix their cyber issues they're so obvious.
There's no reason to need to take a "moral" stance here. Our rights as consumers to have and hold things without third-party DRM are being systematically ignored, and we are being forced into a bullshit rental model where no one provider holds everything you want. Piracy solves this problem.
You should be proud to pirate, proud of sticking it to the assholes that want to control us and our entertainment, proud of wounding an industry that tries to wriggle out of compensating the real artists as much as it can through shifty accounting, predatory contracts. and laughably low royalties payouts.
Netflix mobile apps allow you to download most content, too, so you can compare the quality to streamed content. However, then you are limited to phone/tablet screen size for comparison.
I want to opt out Adaptive Streaming entirely from all services. It's better to have buffering time (actually rarely happen) than seeing fucking 480p video.
I thought it does—we rented a movie with Apple TV at one point a couple years ago and waited for it do download to local storage before it was played. Unfortunately, I had opted for highest quality at a time when our network connection was being really flaky and it took a day to do so.
Maybe certain streaming services allow you to download as well though their app on the Apple TV, but most of the big ones don’t (Apple, Netflix, HBO, etc.)
I really don’t like it because, besides wanting to pre-download something for higher quality, there are often certain shows and movies my kids want to watch over and over and they might as well just live on the hard drive.
So I have a 64GB Apple TV and most of the storage is empty. Theoretically it’s for games, but ATV games are limited to 100MB and then anything else has to be downloaded after the game has installed. (In practice there aren’t any games near that big). I suppose device might also progressively download the video in the background and that would use storage, but that’s all an implementation detail and entirely up to the heuristics of the device.
Ooh, I hadn't thought about the streaming services. I was really annoyed to discover that a movie I'd downloaded to my iPad from Disney+ would not play if the iPad was connected to a TV which was damned obnoxious. This was a rental from the Apple TV store and not an Apple+ stream, so maybe that's where the difference comes in.
This; "adaptive streaming" is the keyword. A video on the web is actually a series of mp4 files which are a few seconds length each. They are generally assembled at runtime via JavaScript or native technology into continuous playback. The browser/app monitors whether chunks are downloaded fast enough to assure continuous playback. That's also why often streams start in low quality (to minimize buffering time) and once the app knows it can go to higher resolution, it switches at the next boundary between the chunks.
That actually makes it more likely. They're limiting speed to certain IP ranges, corresponding to streaming provider servers. If you connect via a tunnel, the destination address is different and therefore your traffic isn't throtteled.
For years when discussing displays and computing ergonomics, I've claimed that I look forward to the day when my screen doesn't need to emit light, and maybe using it can feel more like paper.
Reading this makes it seem less sci-fi future, and possible today if we can get enough interest/momentum.
I'm trying to think of practical places to start for a sellable product. I love the Paperterm idea, but recognize that it's super niche. Maybe something focused on distraction-free writing?
I'd love to see some cross between a Kindle and iPad..something focused on reading, but not necessarily books. At night I tend to browse various sites ranging from WaPo, Defector, The Athletic, and New Yorker, and others on my RSS feed and if I could do so on a simple eink tablet I'd probably reach for that more often than my phone or laptop.
Honestly if Feedly or a similar RSS reader came out with a dedicated eink reader it'd probably be a day one purchase for me, but maybe I'm in the minority.
Yes. I got a reMarkable 2 recently and use it all the time. Mostly for note taking and thinking, but recently to read PDFs as well. ePubs are next. And I'm exploring ways to read RSS feeds/blogs on there too.
Highly recommend it. I consider it a breakthrough tool for thought.
Hi jrrr! I am co-developer of PaperTerm- I agree it is very niche right now. The Pomera DM30 is a distraction free typewriter- it is relatively new (there is also much older options like the AlphaSmart Neo2)- I hope to develop something similar to that with a laptop and some more office apps. I also research solar power managers, as the low power is definitely feasible with e-ink.
Wow, thanks for the heads-up that they actually released this! I backed their Kickstarter a few years ago (which didn't raise enough money), but you'd think they'd send an update after releasing the actual device.
That's a good point, what is the first adressable market for such a product to gain first momentum before it can become mainstream. Those seem to be low hanging fruits:
-Coders/Terminal Users like sysadmins
-DIY/Hardware Hackers/Raspberry PI/ESP32/Cyberdeck folks
-Productivity Hackers
-Health Tech folks
-Gadget Lovers
-Limited Functionality Devices for Education
-Folks with medical pre-conditions who need to use eink (e.g.
I think there is a market, I am just surprised that we take usual monitor like eye-strain as well as the blue light for granted and haven't done anything against it for years. Even though we are having more display usage than ever.
Yes, PaperTerm is niche, but the more you look around, the more you see people suggesting a portable terminal-only device, so I don't think the niche is all too tiny. The e-ink screen and battery life are the killer features.
Plenty of us around here basically live in the terminal and if such a device existed at a reasonable price, I think uptake would be pretty good. It presents itself as a tool, not a do-everything panacea. It could be extended in small ways to fit the distraction-free-writing crowd and the like without compromising on its killer features. Basically a tool for a few niches--sysadmins/devops, developers, embedded device communications, distraction-free writing. Put a good terminal-based browser on a server (e.g., further develop and it opens up a huge number of other niches.
But for solving the problem of "where should we keep our developer command shortcuts?" (which you might answer with "shell scripts" or "a Rakefile"), I've found Make to be pretty great!
I do exactly the same for maven builds, for exactly the same reasons (Discoverable one-liners, bash autocompletion etc.). Added bonus: facade the XML (yuck) based config language of maven
This data is stored on the Matic blockchain. The most important bits are
1) Text contents of the tweet
2) Canonical link to tweet (on twitter)
3) Digital signature by owner (using their ethereum wallet)
Valuables (the service minting tweets) is also responsible for linking a twitter account to an ethereum address. Also, these tweets are purely collectibles, i.e. they don't confer copyright or commercial rights to the buyer.
Perfect, thanks, that's what I was looking for (and none of the news coverage seems to mention).
So when you want to sell a tweet, Valuables verifies who you are and that you own the account (presumably), they produce one certificate and promise never to produce another, and then it goes into the blockchain.
So now there is one and only one entry for this tweet in the Valuables Twitter namespace, but there can be more from other organizations and on other blockchains.
It's going to become even more of a collectors' item when Valuables shuts down, or Twitter changes their URL scheme, or we're not using https:// anymore ;)
My perception is that with AWS, instead of managing a physical data center, you have to manage a virtual one. You still need dedicated technical staff.
A small business should use a backup service like Backblaze. AWS is what you use to _build_ a backup service.
Amazon was the only service that had storage that I could afford ($40/mo versus hundreds per month the competitors were asking.)
Backblaze, last I checked, has "unlimited" storage but requires you to plug the hard drive in every three months. A number of other details made it seem like it was not a good long term storage option.
I was focused on a solution that would let us store the film we spent a year working on for the next 50 years. We did this and LTO tape.