I always make side projects to learn new things and they periodically make me a small amount of money.
From most recent to oldest:
Have not made money yet but just launched last month. Basically it is starter business branding at a very affordable price wrapped into a service.
Launched at the beginning of the year and making around 100/month now. I used common crawl to index emails across the web monthly making it easy to find all emails for a given website.
My most ambitious project from 2 years ago. Appdoctor is an app monitoring platform with automated tests, status page and a bunch of extra stuff..makes around 150/m now.
That’s really interesting. We do something similar for clients that don’t have access to the budget needed to hire the agency proper.
If I may make one comment, I thought there were too many colour choices. I work with designers everyday and even I got confused.
Have heard so many stories like this. It's unbelievable how much longer these things can take compared to what you think at the idea stage. How's it going now?
My saas https.appdoctor.io is barely profitable but that is mainly because of how cheap the infrastructure cost is(something I think helps a lot in 1 man/woman projects). I would agree with what others have stated though that I don’t recommend solo founding(looking for a co founder now). They don’t tell you that making an functioning application that is useful is less then half the battle to having a successful saas.
As a solo founder of a SaaS launching next month, I tracked my time and am at 1350ish hour in the past 10 months. This is my first startup so I made some mistakes along the way with future creep so deadlines got pushed. I worked around 35 - 40 hours outside of my full-time job a week. Felt really burnt out so skipped one month of work 3 months ago but finally trying to get into the mindset of sales and marketing.
I do think though this is all entirely dependent on the scope of your project.
This is the norm in any high-growth startups, or at least it was for me. A few people seem to fall into things that don't require working all the time, but 16 hour days and two day weekends seem completely normal to me now.
> Over time — and Lambert seemed to be in favor of this — GitHub could also allow developers to sell their workflows and Actions through the GitHub marketplace.
I wanted some changes with my current fitness tracker like making my own custom workout so ended up making my own.