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I <3 you.

There is an option to set Flash to "on demand" mode on mobile devices.

There is so much flash content out there on the web, and being able to play flash content on-the-move, on-demand is obviously a good thing.

As the article mentioned, you can see the implementation in wild here: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/

You linked to a homepage but I guess you meant to post a specific URL.

No, the article headlines use it.

Ah, I did not notice it. Thanks for the clarification.

Omegle and chatroulette, both use Adobe Stratus . Both sites depend on advertising revenue.

I dont think Adobe actively bans commercial projects/products from using Straus. Stratus is in beta, and Adobe doesnt provide any official support. So if you want to run a business that uses RTMFP with Adobe support, then LCCS (LiveCycle Collaboration Services) is the way to go.

And Flash Media Server 4 will have RTMFP when it is released. red5 should offer support soon after that.

Chatroulette uses Stratus and RTMP. RTMP, when Stratus fails because of firewall restrictions.

In my opinion, web based documents should have certain level of semantic purity. Of course there will be technical difficulties to achieve it, but that is what hackers are for. Right?

While you have the right to justify the lack of semantic markup in Scribd html docs, he has the right to expect a non-messy markup underneath.

Calling someone's expectation "ignorance" isnt very fair.

The author of the article is being ignorant by not understanding the basic differences between PDF and HTML before going off on a rant about it.

>The $600 Flash authoring tool is the only way to produce Flash applications.

That statement is wrong. Anyone can create tools that can 'create' and/or 'run' swf files. Adobe itself provides Flex SDK cost free. It is an opensourced framework.

http://osflash.org/projects has a list of opensource tools available to create flash content.

Flex: http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk

They sell a modified Eclipse IDE called Flash Builder but you can also compile and code without it.

I'm curious, please provide link to any capable tool.

Apart from the links 'geeymb' posted, FlashDevelop is a popular free tool to create flash content [flashdevelop.org]

Scribd uses 'pdf2swf' from swftools.org to convert pdfs(Not sure if they still use it. ref: http://www.swftools.org/references.html )

Scaleform depends heavily on Flash[scaleform.com]. Ming library is a nice option to create dynamic swf files on server side[libming.org].

A nice little online editor and compiler can be found here: http://www.victordramba.com/?p=31

Although there are so many nice, robust open source tools built around Flash, i haven't heard of Adobe actively promoting any of them.

I would like to know what Flash game are you comparing this simple game with.

Doesn't matter. ALL flash pegs my MacBook Pro CPU >50%, most of the time > 90%

yeah, even ads!

It is more of a (biased?) demonstration than a debate, and obviously video is a better choice.

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