Omegle and chatroulette, both use Adobe Stratus . Both sites depend on advertising revenue.
I dont think Adobe actively bans commercial projects/products from using Straus. Stratus is in beta, and Adobe doesnt provide any official support. So if you want to run a business that uses RTMFP with Adobe support, then LCCS (LiveCycle Collaboration Services) is the way to go.
In my opinion, web based documents should have certain level of semantic purity. Of course there will be technical difficulties to achieve it, but that is what hackers are for. Right?
While you have the right to justify the lack of semantic markup in Scribd html docs, he has the right to expect a non-messy markup underneath.
Calling someone's expectation "ignorance" isnt very fair.
>The $600 Flash authoring tool is the only way to produce Flash applications.
That statement is wrong. Anyone can create tools that can 'create' and/or 'run' swf files. Adobe itself provides Flex SDK cost free. It is an opensourced framework.