Its been pirated since at least v0.75
(I know bcd its my business to know)
I pre-ordered btw. I have no pretence to design/UX chops beyond appreciation - but for the times i want to throw a nice front end up to work towards, this is useful
(esp. device preview)
Is this a warning or am I hellbanned? I apologize for violating the rules but for what it's worth I was annoyed at the comment and didn't think to ignore it. I'd appreciate hearing back the verdict if so. I regret the comment.
Not at all! I was speaking only generally. It would surely be excessive to first scold someone and then ban them.
Please understand that I didn't mean to pick on you personally. Our goal is to send feedback signals into the community generally, and it's only about content, never individuals.
The comment you replied to was of course very bad, and we appreciate your looking out for the integrity of HN. The better way to do that would be to simply downvote the bad comment, or, in extreme cases, flag it. And you can always email us at
I completely understand the logic and appreciate the response. I'll keep my future comments content-oriented and keep that in mind. I was pretty surprised when pg instituted the pending comments but I think I'm beginning to see where the idea came from...
honestly if you cant afford it, get the fuck on the bart and live farther out. coming from a city with no subway, everyone here should be thankful for the bart and how far it reaches.
its a tiny 7x7 grid, this isn't some shelter, you pay to stay. take it as motivation to make more money
The Oculus SDK is C++, but I'm sure there are bindings for many languages. Probably the easiest way to get started is with C# in Unity. If anyone is feeling adventurous, you can even access it in JavaScript!
Q: I received a Unity Pro Trial code with my purchase of the original Oculus Rift Development Kit. Will I receive another code after my purchase of Oculus Rift Development Kit 2?
A: There are no plans to offer a Unity Pro Trial code with Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 purchases at this time.
I'm still on the fence, I am a current PS3 owner and figured PS4 was a logical next purchase. Then I realized how awesome Kinect was visiting my friend and how much more of a 'next gen' feel it had. This might be the killer hardware but I'd rather just have an Oculus Rift :(
I played both consoles for about 3-4 hours pre launch (each), knowing that I was going to buy one. I was a 360 owner last gen, and PS2 the previous gen, so I don't have any real allegiances. However, I much preferred the PS4, not only for game selection, but the controllers felt better, and Kinect is great at first, but it really is a bit gimmicky after a while. Kinect sports is fun with friends, but not so much on your own. PS4 has exclusives like Infamous, Killzone, Knack(which I thoroughly enjoyed), Resogun, and loads more. Xbox has Ryse(didn't like it) dead rising(granted, it's fun) Forza(I want this one)and Titanfall(on the fence, probably don't care to be honest). The selection of games on PS4 is far superior, coupled with faster installation times, a much smaller box, and better looking games, makes it a no brainer IMHO
What I appreciate most about the PS4 is how the system is architected. I love that PS4 just consumes a lot less power then a PS3 and Xbox One. You can tell without even looking at the specs because of the size. It not only consumes less power but gives you the performance.
Your phone has 2 (or more) processors in it. One that runs the kernel and the operating system that you think about as being Android. The other is another ARM processor that runs closed, proprietary code, and it controls the radio.
The concern is that the proprietary code has an API that can access the filesystem. If the MODEM receives a command from the cellular tower, or another device that looks like the cellular tower, it looks as though the radio's processor could be instructed to extract data from your phone and perhaps send it out over the radio to some other party. The reverse could be done as well, putting data on your device.
Since this happens low-level, it communicates with the kernel on your main processor and is outside the normal security measures placed on regular applications running on your device. If the radio firmware doesn't have an explicit way to perform this task, the other concern is that a vulnerability in the radio firmware might be exploited to do this anyway. Because the radio firmware itself is closed source and proprietary, the real implications of this are still not well understood.
The project that discovered this about the radio firmware is trying to create an open-source replacement firmware that runs on your radio's processor. In the course of trying to implement a compatible firmware, they discovered these questionable APIs.
The implication is that even if you completely replaced your ROM on device with a trusted and secure open-sourced one, the proprietary closed-source drivers that are needed to communicate with the hardware, may be able to do things without your permission or detection.
Hacker News is a marketing implement for a business development company, whose primary mission is taking inexperienced people and giving them a leg up.
The idea that you have to be an expert in everything before you ask anything runs counter to the point of the site.
"Since last summer, we’ve been engaged in a conversation with some of the incredible folks at Yahoo about the ways this more visual approach to data can inspire and entertain. As our conversations progressed, we realized we’d found a partner who shared our passion for user experience, design, and visualizing information."
This shit makes me cringe, such bullshit. They offered the right price, we wanted money. That is all
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