>As long as California does, and most other places allow them, we're going to continue to see surprisingly high levels of startup formation and company success in California, despite all the bad things being true.
If that were truly the case wouldn't a number of other states also be banning non-completes in hopes of attracting businesses? Some quick googling shows only the District of Columbia, North Dakota, and Oklahoma have similar bans on non-competes as California.
You gotta have the talent and funding available too. Ain't none of that in ND or OK. Maybe some in DC but that's such a heavily government focused area that I don't know why anyone would do a startup there unless it was government centered.
>"And yet, most young men in the country argue that it is men, not women, in South Korea who feel threatened and marginalized. Among South Korean men in their 20s, nearly 79 percent said they were victims of serious gender discrimination, according to a poll in May."
Not really an excuse but it's worth pointing out that South Korea has conscription which women are exempt from
>If you've seen the question/answer before just say so!
In reality no one will do this though. There is way to much of an incentive on the candidate side to lie and work through as if they haven't seen it before.
The obvious thing for local good mortgage brokers/originators to hire some UX designers and get themselves a slick ui too. And yet, for a lot of them the UI is atrocious. It can't be that expensive, so it looks like they just do not care.