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Yes, a lot of ISPs do this even after I try to write to them explaining why it doesn't make sense. My ISP is Airtel in India, they very recently started assigning IPv6 at all but it's a single /64 only.

The other big one I know, Jio (from Reliance) also offers just a single /64.

I'm not sure, there's also HOT-updates (heap-only tuples). It's an optimization where data in modified in place if none of the modified columns are part of an index and maybe other conditions but I don't remember it all too well.

Did not know this; thank you!

By paperclip optimizing loop did you by any chance mean https://www.decisionproblem.com/paperclips/index2.html?

The game I mentioned has several paperclip optimizing scenarios unfolding at the same time, including one where terraforming robots (some of which are designed like mammoths & serve a similar environmental purpose) keep getting stronger and stronger to protect themselves from robot hunters while the AI's central command system has gone missing. It takes place in a completely "reset" world, so from the perspective of humans the robots have always been part of the natural environment. Not the most realistic AI story, but very fun.

The same idea that is referencing.

IIRC USA is 110V, not 220V?

I have a lot of 220V circuits. One is like 80A and powers a whole building. Also, almost all power comes into a home as 220V single phase from the local power distribution.

Water heater, heat pumps, stove, dryer, hot tub, etc are all 220.

Most US homes have at least one 220v split phase line for major appliances like stoves or AC.

Yes, but most homes don't have extra 220v outlets except for the ones provided for the specific appliances that need them.

So if you want to plug in a device like this "tinybox" at home, it's going to be a lot easier to find two separate 110v outlets on different circuits than to have a new 220v circuit added, or to unplug your stove every time you want to use it.

I don't know what adversarial relationship you have with electricians, but adding more 220v outlets is absolutely feasible. Usually takes an electrician a day of work.

Who needs a stove? My 3200W GPU box puts out more than enough heat to roast a chicken.

Most homes have a 240V supply with a neutral wire (V1, V2, N). This allows for split phase 120V power (V1+N, V2+N). You can also get 240V (V1+V2).

It's common for EVs, clothes dryers, ovens, and hot water heaters to use 240V while most other appliances are 120V.

220V is American version of what is known as 380V/400V elsewhere.

US three-phase power is mostly 208V, 240V, and 480V. The 208V is what normal residential 120/240V split-phase was made from. 240V is high-leg delta three phase and I think was old alternative to split-phase. 480V is used for light industrial that needs more power.

There is nothing in US power system that is 220V.

Ackshually, you need to tell that the GP of the thread, they began using "220v".

Very interesting. Seems conceptually (and implementation wise too) quite similar to https://trino.io/docs/current/connector/googlesheets.html.

Where are you storing the structure of the sheet though? Is it re-evaluated on each query? I am thinking about cases where a column header is renamed or the data types in a column are changed?

Oh, that's actually cool and thanks for the reference.

It's using a temporary cache that re-uses the latest data from the sheet (checking if it was updated) so that's why the subsequent queries should be much faster than the initial one.

Now about the headers, it's indeed an issue that I need to figure out, as there are some sheets that have weird structures and it would be nice to find an easy UXsy way to preview the sheet data and say "select from this range" or "these are the headers".

Google Sheets has an extensibility system: you write a React app that renders as a sidebar inside the sheets UI. This exposes a few additional API endpoints vs the vanilla sheets API. For example, you can determine the selected range, when a user has edited a value, changed sheets, etc. We use this in our add-on to help people select a range. Sounds like it might help for you, too!

The extensibility system also lets you show a modal dialog, which we use for previewing API calls to third party HTTP servers -- sounds like a similar thing could work well for you, too.

You could also look at supporting named ranges if you don't already, so people can refer to a range as `FinanceData` instead of `Sheet 1!A3:F90`

> it would be nice to find an easy UXsy way to preview the sheet data and say "select from this range" or "these are the headers".

Indeed. Defining the UX when the only UI you have is a SQL query is a bit challenging.

Very impressive project indeed and solves a real problem a lot of people and companies have. I wish you luck.

Will keep the site posted on this, but definetly is one of the things that worries me the most as of now.

Thanks for the comment!!

Haha one of the examples has this text:

    By reading this sentence, you hereby agree to all terms and conditions
    presented by voussoir.net, including but not limited to terms which entitle
    voussoir.net to a fraction not less than forty (40) percent (%) of your
    monthly income from now until an as-yet undetermined time not less than
    thirty six (36) months from the present date.

One of the other examples [0] features a "random number" which might not be entirely random [1].

[0] https://voussoir.net/writing/css_for_printing/#media_print

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AACS_encryption_key_controvers...

Yes this is what they mean. I've use this setup in the past when for example I wanted to use different SSH keys for bitbucket, gitlab and github for example.

It works even for same hostname like I did here - https://github.com/hashhar/dotfiles-tmp/blob/master/ssh/.ssh...

Parent meant probably meant that there's no securities fraud since no securities are involved as it's not a traded company.

The shareholders are still invested, they still have a 401A Evaluation, and these statements are definitely going to have legal weight.

I found https://www.kangaroohanger.com/ to be a more practical and viable "actually better" clothes hanger.

It looks good but, ehm, they're not trying to solve the same problem. Giertz's hanger looks entirely practical to me for what it's trying to do.

These are neat, but solve a different problem than the hangers from the submission.

Well, most of what he is saying are actually easily reproducible macOS quirks.

- Windows disappear, become inaccessible after moving between monitors, even though it still open and active according to doc/task list.

This indeed happens relatively often if you have multiple monitors and switch between them for any reason. e.g. in my case I have two machines and two monitors, sometimes I switch the primary monitor to a specific machine and this almost always fucks up macOS. Solution is to disconnect and reconnect the monitor.

- Why can't I move a window to a monitor/workspace that has a maximized window? Like, you can do it by un-maximizing the window in question, moving the other window over and then re-maximizing the window again. But why is this nonsense needed? What problem could this restriction possibly be solving?

A lot of people who use macOS agree that the fullscreen window thing is needless and makes for quirky behaviour.

- Dock constantly breaks/becomes inaccessible. This is a known problem for at least 5+ years - the solution is to manually kill and restart the process???

- Text cursor/caret randomly disappears when editing text, so you can't see where the cursor is, and you can't fix this unless you restart the app (happens to pretty much all apps).

Yep, happens quite frequently to multiple people I know and in multiple apps.

- Bad defaults in terms of keypress repeat times and rate. No apparent way to change this from settings - need to run commands and re-login to test new behaviour.

Indeed this is very painful for people who are non-developers and are used to be able to have higher repeat rates.

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