Hi everyone, I'm the developer here. I made it to scratch my itch: an iPad app for managing gists. And, the Heroku deployment is just the additional feature. You can use it to deploy your micro web sites or web services.
This looks awesome. Congrats. Just wondering, why do you pick browser as the IDE? (as a background, I've been developing iPad IDE called Worqshop).
It's an honest question. How does the IDE perform using the iPad Safari? I thought about doing web-based IDE but found the performance very slow in my testing. Ultimately, it boils down to native vs web apps.
Nevertheless, kudos to you. I know that doing front-end web UI, dealing with AWS, and provisioning the boxes, are not trivial problems.
Edit: Just to preempt, yes, I know my app restricts developers to use iPad :)
Ups... reading the comments below... you will be providing SSH access to the VMs
Hi Alec, I'm sorry about this. Could you please send me an email. There is a bug where Worqshop crashes if you have empty projects on GitHub. It's a known issue and I'm fixing it at this very minute. Thanks. Donny
Thanks for the quick reply. I deleted the empty repos and it's working wonderfully. I look forward to the update. Being able to create entirely new repos from the iPad would be a big plus.
I've been developing Heroku and GitHub integration for months, at the expense of a better editor. But what people want is a better editor: themes, vim keybinding, extra keyboard, etc :) I'll try to do it after I finish with the server side code execution.
Most probably after this, I'll add server side execution (since Apple doesn't allow execution of downloaded code on iPad)
Thus, you can run Python, Ruby, etc from the iPad. Worqshop will transfer the code to server, execute, and bring the results back to the iPad. Seamlessly and transparently.
You may be able to do it through emsctipten versions of ruby and python which you can load in webkits JavaScript engine. http://repl.it works like that.
Oh, I need to clarify. In my mind, it's like a shell, eg Python shell or Ruby shell. And execution here refers to the traditional execution of programs / scripts. I don't plan to become a PaaS like Heroku that handles web apps execution.
Hmm.. Not at the moment. I need to think about it. I'm a bit wary to add additional keys. On landscape, the text window becomes a bit too small to my liking. But. I'll think about it.
Have you seen Codea (nee Codify)? It implements what looks like the standard keyboard with an extra row on top containing things like parenthesis, quotes, tab and left/right cursor keys. Screenshot here http://www.twolivesleft.com/Codea/Talk/discussion/206/progre...
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Stack: Ember, Stripe, AWS Lambda, plus other AWS services... It's kinda fun building something "physical" :)