My father (farmer) has been diagnosed with AD. In the 90’s he had direct accidental exposure to herbicide drift from a crop duster in a windy day. He suffered from a short term illness immediately after and peripheral neuropathy since; I wonder if his AD diagnosis can be added to the list?
A one time exposure? People that live on or around farms are constantly exposed to glyphosate. Infact they spray so much glyphosate it ends up killing trees in neighbors yards.
I think a charitable read would be a ‘one time extreme exposure.’ Passive exposure is bad, of course, but getting poison dumped on you by a crop duster has to be terrible.
yeah, it's perfect. It does the opposite as well; grifters who cannot actually do what they were hired for but instead just talked and smooched their way around have no chance remotely. No one is entertaining them and after not so long you get a 'higher up' asking 'so what actually are you doing here?'. Had a project manager on friday: everyone thought he sucked (as a project manager!) while in the office but the c levels thought he was good as he was running around and talking a lot, but via chat he has nothing. So he is gone since friday.
For a mini-split system, or central heat pump? Do you have existing ducts? What's the square footage?
We recently upgraded our central heat pump as the old one died after 15 years or so. IIRC the total was $13k CAD, so around 9-10k USD, which included indoor and outdoor units for a roughly 3000sqft house, with installation. But all the ducting was there already, so it was just a matter of swapping out old unit for new. (Got some nice government grants too, so it was only a few k out of pocket.)
Wow, surprisingly expensive then. It might be worth getting more quotes if you're still interested. I found the ones we got here varied pretty widely, so you may have just gotten a couple of high ones.
do you have a guide that you followed? having tried to follow the readme it seems like it only works on DHH's machine with a certain configuration of rails and linux
I'm in the market for a heat pump in my home to replace electric forced air which is in a cold climate. It seems like this heat pump would work great for me, and being able to see pricing up front and self-order sounds awesome!
I'm gonna be a no on purchasing tho. I don't want a smart thermostat that is not system agnostic. High risk of it bricking the system or not being upgradable, minimal reward when compared to all the other smart thermostat options.
A heat pump manufacture that's trying to be a tech company? Nah.