I truly enjoy using pinboard. I even have a launchbar task for searching my links quickly. And, while I wasn't looking for social bookmarks I have to admit I really like the pinboard popular links rss feed. I suppose it's more of a niche community thing which is why I feel like they are generally of a high quality. Second only to Hacker News as my source of what's going on.
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by John Resig (2012) is a very hands-on look at writing a Javascript library: http://j.mp/RgOcXO
High Performance JavaScript by Nicholas C. Zakas (2010) is one of the most thorough treatments of performance and JS I have read: http://j.mp/V0R0X3
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (2012 3rd edition) is an incredibly in-depth reference of JavaScript as it relates to the DOM. The third edition was heavily updated: http://j.mp/V3eGKC
From their other writings i assume the author uses pre-processors but they also practice a form of object-oriented CSS, which is concerned with the final compiled CSS.
Mixins are great but they can still compile to overly repetitious CSS. Even with mixins, you still have to think about and decide on the structure and how much repetition should be in your CSS.
There's a good starting tutorial in the SMACSS book discussing the integration of SMACSS and preprocessors. I'll see if I can make some time to write a more in-depth treatment discussing pre-processors and OOCSS. If anybody already knows of one, I'd love to see it as well!
I agree that preprocessors can address some of the issues that OOCSS sets out to address. At the same time I think that an over reliance on preprocessors can result in the same set of problems. Preprocessing can easily result in bloated, highly repetitive CSS and deeply nested selectors.
I personally love using SASS and in fact (as mentioned by philipwalton) find it highly compatible with OOCSS. However, as with any tool, I advocate for thoughtful and critical implementation. I tend to suggest that anytime the final CSS file contains a large amount of repetitive styles or deeply nested selectors it's time to consider refactoring.