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My younger brother is part of his high school's robotic club and they could use donations to attend competitions this year. You can either get some cookie dough to help them out, or make a direct donation on the link.

If you would like to see the cool stuff they have done/are working on, check out their instagram:https://www.instagram.com/roboticsperthamboyhigh/

Any donation is much appreciated. Thanks!

Scrolling shooter "clone" of Strike Gunner S.T.G game.


It's got long ways to go before being "complete", but I'm enjoying the heck out of working on this. I like working on things that aren't tied to money/serious job because they remind myself of the joy in programming :)

I love the simplicity of Bulma! For someone that does not want to dig into the mess that css can be, it simplifies a lot. I built my personal site with it (https://thebigg.dev/). Congrats on reaching a 1.0!

Your personal site is so minimal, that it doesn’t even load on my phone. Is the URL right?

(Also, that would be a good domain name for myself ;)

Yes, the url (https://thebigg.dev/) is correct. I just tested on my phone and it's loading just fine--I have an Android phone and test it on Firefox and Chrome and works just fine. Interesting that it does not load for you...what phone/browser are you testing it on?

Also, sorry! Already bought the domain a while back ;)

Ah took a moment to load the second time round but it got there. Regular iPhone user here, but based down under.

That actually kind of makes sense. The framework I'm using (Yew) compiles down to WASM. So the entire website is loaded up-front first. It's like loading an entire app on your browser. The idea is once you load it, it should go really fast.

Thank you all so much for making this space on the internet one of the best places to learn and share knowledge.

Gracias :)

I almost exclusively use C++ for my projects. Especially modern C++. When it makes sense(especially for dev tools), I use Python since for those I'm not so worried about distribution and long-term robustness.

Anyway here they are:

Qt desktop app written in C++:https://github.com/thebigG/Tasker

Simple GPIO front-end for linux GPIO driver(could definitely use some improvement) written in C++ and uses boost:https://github.com/thebigG/simple_gpio

WebApp I JUST started working on(This will be a frontend for a YOCTO/FPGA project I'm working on; guitar pedals), and yes it uses good old C++ and runs on the browser:


And while I'm at it, might as well mention my custom plugins for Godot Game Engine(C++):https://github.com/thebigG/godot-3.x-modules

I have found that C++ is the best compromise for me between performance and elegance ifI do say so myself.

How much additional dev overhead is there in using cpp for the web?

How difficult is it to manage updates etc?

What are the benefits in your opinion?

Apparently they're using Wt, "webtoolkit".


> Wt is a web GUI library in modern C++. Quickly develop highly interactive web UIs with widgets, without having to write a single line of JavaScript.


What’s your preferred dependency management strategy?

I know this is a bit of a loaded question in the C/C++ world. But really depends on the project. Most cases it seems I go with CMake just because that's what everybody seems to use most of the time. But I do long for the day that modules get fully implemented in all compilers and we get some kind of standardized solution that's akin to Cargo/npm/maven... One day. I try my best to keep things simple.

vcpkg is fantastic if all your dependencies are already in there, and still good if you need to add your own ports overlay.

I ended up adopting vcpkg because I started using restinio and the examples all used vcpkg to fetch their dependencies.

It was pretty painless to set up on multiple Linux machines, but both times I've tried on Windows, it's been incredibly painful where I've had to walk through each dependency manually, installing each package manually specifying x64-windows in the triplet, and having different CMake errors on each machine.

This surprised me as vcpkg is actually a Microsoft invention, and seems to be widely praised for reducing configuration woes.

I got things set up and working eventually, at which point I could forget about it, but I definitely plan to get rid of CMake from my build process when I have some time.

I use clang-format for a lot of my projects, but there were certain things that I wished clang-format did. Like ignore certain directories and a more explicit way of just checking the files without modifying them. This script is basically a wrapper for clang-format that adds those options via YAML configuration file. I find it quite useful for some projects of mine(especially when I want to ignore some directories). Hopefully some people find it useful as well.

Nice try, manager ;)

We work on side projects because we __like__ it. Seeing side projects through the lense of "value" is naive in my opinion. Yes, obviously if the side project has actual users than that's a plus. But companies like seeing side projects because it __does__ show that the candidate really likes what they do for a living. Now whether the company is purposefully using that to expect people to work 60 hours a week is a different discussion. And while I'll probably ruffle some feathers by saying this, I'll say it; software is a sport. Very much like a sport, if you stop doing it then you'll get fat and lose your touch. People that work on side projects are constantly honing their craft and because of that they tend to be the best athletes.

If I owned a baseball team, I sure as hell want the best. And in my humble opinion, the best are usually __always__ working on getting better at the game. AKA working on side projects ;)

EDIT:Just want to clarify; it is WRONG of a company to expect people to work 60 hours a week. Just so we are in the same page. I am NOT condoning that.

Just to clarify myself also, I don't expect people to dedicate their personal hours to work. We have a standard work week of 35 hours at my company and we generally stick to that. I'm talking about people I have worked with that had successfully side projects that were earning them money and that they most definitely worked on during business hours and were basically just double-dipping.

Value doesn't need to be monetary. Just having fun is something valuable. I'm saying that 99% of the "side projects" I see are junior devs who think they can't apply for a job without a bunch of things on GitHub.

I am genuinely asking; how worried should we be?

I'm really freaking out about this...

My dad spent his career processing nuclear waste as chemical engineer. I called him over the weekend to ask about the prospects of surviving a nuclear strike. We had a good long chat about it, but the summary is that if you can avoid direct exposure to the initial gamma ray burst, and then avoid the fallout for at least a few hours (ideally longer if you can), you actually have a sizable chance of survival.

After that it's a matter of cooperating with the people around you for the basic needs. It would be pretty grim, but people could still rebuild civilization.

Have a battery powered portable radio! I’ve read that the amount of fallout that comes down (and thus the amount of time you’ll want to wait in shelter to avoid the initial fallout) can vary dramatically depending on yield, blast location, wind speed, etc.

A battery powered portable radio will let you access the information you need to know if you should be sheltering for 2 hours, 2 days, or a week.

Also, a battery powered emergency radio will be absolutely useful in a wide variety of other (probably much more likely) disaster scenarios.

Dumb question that's going to reflect a lot of basic ignorance about hardware, electricity, and magnetism: how do I protect this radio from EMP? Similarly, what's going to ensure that the broadcast infrastructure survives the blast and EMP to disseminate information to the people with radios?

My answer is: I wouldn't go out of my way to. For me, a nuclear disaster is pretty low on my list of scenarios, so it's not worth the extra effort to shield it.

Maybe the blast is further away, and the EMP isn't strong enough to harm your radio. Maybe while it's off without batteries the EMP doesn't induce enough current to harm the radio.

Maybe the EMP destroys your radio entirely, and you have a non-functional radio. Then you're not really worse off than if you didn't have the radio to start with.

For the transmitter: obviously nothing you can really do there to prepare yourself. Again it depends on where the blast is, and where the transmitter(s) are. Also, transmitters can obviously be moved around, so it's possible that the stationary transmitter near you is destroyed, but 24 hours later someone has set up a portable transmitter and started broadcasting (very likely for any disaster that has some semblance of emergency response after the fact).

And remember: this is going in your emergency preparedness kit, not your "nuclear blast" kit. Your radio is unlikely to suffer an EMP in the event of a hurricane, earthquake, extended winter storm power outage. In many of those scenarios, the radio would be useful for locating emergency response.

So, having a portable radio in your emergency kit isn't a guarantee that you'll have a portable radio in a disaster (it may get damaged in flooding, for example), but rather a gamble that in a disaster you'll have a 95% chance of having a workable radio.

I'm by no means an expert on nuclear blast survival, and what to do after the fact, but I do know that radios are a useful part of a disaster preparedness kit, that'll be useful in almost every disaster scenario.

A metal box.

EMP isn't magic: it's an induced electric field in any long conductor from the a broadband intense burst of electromagnetism - basically any conductor turns into an antenna.

This sucks for transistor electronics because they're tiny, and the induced current can easily damage and blowout MOSFETs.

But any sealed metal container is a Faraday cage: the net electric field across it is zero. Same story for anything buried underground - the ground is conductive and zeros out the induced field almost immediately.

So pretty much a metal box is high likelihood, a buried metal box guaranteed.

Ok, this covers my end. What about the broadcast end? It's not like they can collapse down the antenna and bury the transmitter in an ammo can when the antenna is a couple hundred feet tall and permanently attached to the transmitter.

Is there some kind of national contingency plan for this or something whereby there's a a way to get critical radio infrastructure back up after a nuclear exchange?

What did he have to say about decontaminating top soil?

We didn't get into that specifically, but the part that struck me as hopeful is that the most dangerous fallout also inherently has the shortest half-lives. Of course you wouldn't be able to completely avoid exposure, but with small enough doses you can survive for quite a long time.

I wouldn’t be too worried. The best things you can do to prepare are often the same kinds of other disaster prep you should do. Have a couple of weeks of water stored safely in your house. Have a small emergency supply of food. Have a well stocked first aid kit (watch for expirations). Have a battery powered portable radio.

Look at ready.gov for a checklist: https://www.ready.gov/kit

Such a kit will have the high value things you’ll need for a wide array of emergencies (hurricane, extended power outages, other natural disasters, etc).

(Adding on) If doing stuff helps you with worrying, then assembling the emergency kit is a pretty good thing to do. Chances are, you won't need it for nuclear war, but having it will help you be prepared for other emergencies that are probably more likely, too.

Having been one who grew up during through the cold war in the 80s, it's just something you have to accept. I remember in 4th grade on the playground, the kids (me) were debating with the teacher whether it was better to stand outside and get nuked or go inside and live through the aftermath.

Having said that and having lived through all this before and nothing happened, I wouldn't worry too much. Also read Alas Babylon, it's pretty good and related.

On a side note, we could also get hit by an asteroid at any time with no notice, so there's always something to make you unease if you dwell on it.

either way nothing you can do. So don't worry until there's something you can control

Not worried at all.

If a nuclear war happens, you probably won't know about it for very long. So why bother stressing?

This is like asking whether you should be worried about the fact that you will die someday. If you sweat that sort of thing, you'll never get anything done.

Either we all die or we don't[1], either way there's nothing you can do. I'm sure there's things you can be worried about that you can actually affect.


That’s not quite true! If you live, a little prep will go a long way.

Have an emergency kit (see ready.gov for a good checklist). If you survive, such a kit will help significantly in the immediate aftermath.

It’s also a useful kit for a wide array of (more likely) natural disasters.

After you’ve put together your kit, then I agree. You’ve done your prep, nothing else you can control about it, so don’t stress too much about it.

I have no interest in living after society breaks down.

Not every disaster will involve the break down of society. It's entirely possible that a nuclear strike won't end all life on earth.

I personally wouldn't be so quick to give up, but to each their own.

Not extremely. Helpful stuff to know, but there is, right now, no real reason for anyone to launch an attack of this scale.


Don't freak out. I am not at all worried, you should not be either.

We've lived under this threat for, what, 70 years now? You just have to learn to put it out of your mind. Day to day I worry more about someone crashing into my car when I am driving (a much more likely Bad Thing).

I read this from the BBC and it calmed me down a bit.


Depends who you ask. I'm not worried at all as it doesn't benefit either side.

We were much closer in the 80's, nuclear warfare won't break out over this.

MAD should actually help you sleep at night.

I'm no military expert, but it seems like common sense to assume that if the Russian government gets a single nuke off the ground it will be the last thing they ever do.

True, but are you willing to bet Putin isn't that crazy?

We have 70 years of precedent already.

When nuclear superpowers invade another country in a proxy war, the other superpower is allowed to send military aid without threat of nuclear retaliation.

If that wasn't the tacit agreement then WWIII would have already happened over Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan at least.

Honestly its a good thing we've got Biden in power since he's old and mellow and chill and won't be trying to act tough and make shit worse.

Sounds like it is about to get really horrible for the people in Kyiv and Kharkiv though.

Was thinking the same thing...

Thought this was a wonderful article. Thanks for sharing.

I figured to get in the spirit of sharing I'd share a little passion project I've been working on for sometime now: https://github.com/thebigG/Tasker

It's an app that allows you to accurately track your commitments via hardware hooks(audio, mouse and keyboard). The UI can definitely use some work, but figured some people might find it as useful as I do.

Wow. This looks super smart.

I tried building a break enforcing app once: Locks the screen. Asks you what goal you want to accomplish and how much time you need. Then unlocks the screen for the requested duration. I stopped using it because of the very issues you mentioned. Pure time based solutions just aren’t practical.

I use pomodoro for this. Writing software doesnt always require you typing at the keyboard. Most of the time I sketch the solution/design using pencil and paper

Good point! This is why I will be adding "manual commitments" in the future ;).

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