yeah, the term I'd use is source available? anyway, I agree with the idea that "open source" is a dirty term, an attempt to subvert the free software movement. But that is a battle for another day.
Someone else put it better than I could:
> Likewise a Source Available is not necessarily Open Source, but Open Source is necessarily Source Available.
The advantage seems to be that you don't have to worry about the details and you get updating for free. Writing good update code is hard and thankless, but you can certainly do it yourself.
Not a tonne of benefits, but not a tonne of costs either. I'm sure Samsung won't use this, but this might be good for projects just getting off the ground.
> I can't imagine how you would even implement a string as anything other than a rune array.
You can also implement strings using a tree data structure. We do this in an implementation of Ruby that I work on because it can make concatenation faster.
A text editor edits a (potentially very long) string, but apart from, possibly, the likes of Notepad, none of them store that string as a single byte array.
So, look at text editor data structures for other representations. Examples:
Just so people know, there are arrays used for text manipulation in Haskell in the Data.Text library, and bytestrings in the ByteString library. The language as specified does indeed have strings in a linked list of numbers, but if you even remotely care about performance you don't use those, and most libraries don't either nowadays.
I don't know about five years. But in 25 I don't know if you'll be able to differentiate your computer from your (old, dumb) TV, except you'll have fewer rights
The issue is that US workers now compete with the whole world.
Until the 70s, the US really had no competition. To compete, you need a stable (legal) system - No one would invest money in a country where it's not far-fetched that someone will overthrow the government, nationalizes your company and throws you in jail.
Oh, and because of geo-politics, one couldn't invest in USSR friendly countries (both from the US side and the other side)
So no one would invest in the USSR, Africa, the Middle East, China or India, Europe and Japan were in shambles. So who built up industry? The US.
After the 60s, different countries started stabilizing. First Japan, then China, now most of the world is actually quite stable, so now the average US worker has to compete against all of India, China, Bangladesh, etc.
You have more supply and the same demand (the world).
And the problem is nothing can really be done about it.
US workers are having to deal with reality itself after an entire history of avoiding it.
"Free land" from genocided native Americans. No equivalently armed and organized opposition from Virginia to California.
"Free labor" from slavery.
Poverty wages during the gilded age; easy-to-access industrial fuels like lumber and coal, and later oil. Again, all available on stolen land.
Early 20th century, Europe was beating itself up so often America became a superpower by pure virtue of being the only power not bombed to shit by 1945.
Through mid 20th century, America artificially suppressed the domestic cost of living at home through economic imperialism by, among other things, overthrowing other regimes - including democracies - that threatened America's economic dominance and control of natural resources, like Guatemala for food and Iran for oil (although the U.K. started it).
So this is the first time the US has ever had to compete on anything close to an even footing.
>It's like employers don't even attempt to think about anything from the employee's perspective -- even after they've struggled to fill their own positions. "Cheap business owners" couldn't be a more accurate byline.
Or maybe the job their trying to fill isn't worth that much to them (the employers, that is)?
As an example, let's take a speech-writer for a presidential candidate.
Company X (let's say it has 100 billion in the bank) wants a website, so it looks for an SEO firm, but it's cheap and not interested in investing in the website.
X doesn't get skilled SEO consultants.
X now has three choices - get minimum quality workers, drop the website project or pay more for better workers.
Obviously, workers would prefer if X choses 3, but there are times when it just doesn't make sense to do so (or the company doesn't _think_ it needs to do so, and goes out of business):
What if a company has a small audience comprised of people who don't find things online.
Let's say the company runs a program only senators would use. That's a hundred person market which practically requires personal connection to their staff to make a deal.
Hiring someone for $250,000 website is just not worth it.
Practically, in a capitalist environment, workers are "contractors" selling themselves.
The same way I would not pay for a big-iron computer when all I need is a laptop, companies don't want to pay $200,000 when they can find someone for less.
>Or maybe the job their trying to fill isn't worth that much to them (the employers, that is)?
Just imagine the businesses that suddenly become profitable if employers could provide nothing beyond room and board and employees weren't allowed to quit!
> I like the idea of Semantic Versioning, but it does cause problems where if I'm going to do several breaking releases one after another I have to keep bumping the major version, and I hate that. I've actually put off doing breaking changes simply because I didn't want to bump the major version number, but I don't like that either.
When you're doing backend/API things (where breaking changes matter), I sure hope you think a million times before making breaking changes.
Can you imagine if someone had to go through millions of lines of his code to make sure nothing broke, then, a week later, you broke his code again?
I'm not the parent, but I sort of like the idea at first glance. I mean, it's a fine line: if I have "v1.0.0" and I break one API in one module, I'm compelled to release "v2.0.0" even though v2.0.0 is otherwise entirely compatible with v1 -- it's not as big of an upgrade as the version numbering system would imply.
But if I go and drastically change things in a way likely to impact many users, that gets a brand new version number too. So v1.0.0 -> v2.0.0 only really communicates "something might break".
The scheme proposed by the parent would be able to communicate "expect many things to break because I refactored the heck out of stuff to fix some long-standing design deficiencies" -- though admittedly when to bump that first version number is likely to be a subjective topic. :)
Perhaps this isn't as valuable as it seems at a first glance, but if anybody's tried something like this I for one would be interested to hear about it.
A piece of software I'm familiar with does this Arch.Major.Minor.Patch.
The Arch number represents a "generation" of the software that represents a significant overhaul where the architecture changes and input files that were generated for previous versions are not likely to work.
Major represents breaking API compatibility, so users who write plugins for the software will need to recompile and possibly change their code (but maybe not depending on what changed).
Minor and Patch are what you'd expect from semver.
The point of making backwards compatibility the first number is because the subtle changes need attention drawn to them. There's little risk of people accidentally using things in a broken way when projects are renamed. It's about clarity of technical communication. There are lots of ways to communicate big direction changes, including changing the look and feel of something, adding code words (WD Caviar Green), putting out a big publicity push (v32 is a whole new game!), and so on.
If you're using a proper type-safe compiled language then most "subtle" breaking changes can't possibly be missed because your code won't compile anymore (assuming you used that API to begin with). You don't need a major version number to call attention to the fact that one parameter of one method changed from a boolean flag to a set of options, anyone who's using that method will find that out pretty quickly.
The main reason semver is done the way it is is so you can do things like have package managers automatically pick the latest compatible version, since incompatibilities are denoted by the major version number. That's why I'd prefer major.breaking.minor.patch, because you can still have the package manager automatically detect compatible versions, but you don't end up in the crazy land of releasing a library at v27.
> If you're using a proper type-safe compiled language then most "subtle" breaking changes can't possibly be missed because your code won't compile anymore (assuming you used that API to begin with). You don't need a major version number to call attention to the fact that one parameter of one method changed from a boolean flag to a set of options, anyone who's using that method will find that out pretty quickly.
1. What if it's a dll, .so? You upgrade and find out that your program is broken.
2. Sometimes the API stays the same but the code behind the API changes a result (for example, secure_hash goes from MD5 to bcrypt)?
3. What about non-type safe languages (like HTML or JS, so things like Firefox or Chrome)?
The point is that you should avoid breaking other people's code if you can. What happened if that removal of one function in that one module costs me a full years of work?
Sometimes you can't help yourself. PHP had register_globals. Some people were able to use it safely (initialize all variables before use), but PHP rightfully realized the security implications and disabled it. However, it broke code, and a lot of it.
These are things you should think about and heavily before breaking code. It may be one line for you, but for all the millions of people who use your library it could be thousands of man-years of work.
> What if it's a dll, .so? You upgrade and find out that your program is broken.
If it's not backwards-compatible then it needs to bump the appropriate version number (in my proposal, that would be the second dotted component). So I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.
> * Sometimes the API stays the same but the code behind the API changes a result (for example, secure_hash goes from MD5 to bcrypt)?*
If it's a non-backwards-compatible behavioral change then maybe you need to design your API better such that this kind of change is expressed in the API. After all, if you expect anybody to ever upgrade to your new bcrypt version, you need to provide some path for people to still work with their older MD5 hashes anyway.
> What about non-type safe languages (like HTML or JS, so things like Firefox or Chrome)?
Not something I particularly care about. Though it doesn't really matter anyway; even if you think the breaking change number is too "subtle", anyone who's manually upgrading to a new version instead of letting their package manager do it should already be prepared to deal with breaking changes, because if there aren't breaking changes then their package manager should have been happy to upgrade without any manual intervention.
> The point is that you should avoid breaking other people's code if you can. What happened if that removal of one function in that one module costs me a full years of work?
I have no idea what point you're trying to make here. My suggestion was just about changing the format of the version number, and has no bearing whatsoever on the actual breaking changes you do or don't introduce. I'm certainly not advocating for removing functionality.
I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he's saying that semver's system that forces major version bumps for breaking changes is good because it discourages the maintainer from making breaking changes more frequently than he is comfortable releasing a new major version. That is, the effect of getting a maintainer to batch up breaking changes in exchange for version consistency is positive, and thus semver should not be changed as you propose, because it would decrease the cost of releasing a breaking change.
There's still a cost associated to releasing a breaking change, which is users have to manually upgrade, their package manager won't silently upgrade for them. So if I release a breaking change, I know any bugfixes included in it or later builds will take a while before they end up in the hands of users, because most people tend to put off dealing with breaking changes until they have time to actually investigate the changes.
But with my proposal, users can see that the breaking change is a "minor" one, and therefore they don't need to be prepared to learn about a bunch of big changes in order to upgrade.
That is even worse, because now you have to look at two numbers to see if something's breaking or not. If you change the API, you bump the major. If you don't want to bump the major, then either figure out a way to do it with the original API, such as a different number of arguments, or put that module in a package that can be installed seperately. Given your original example, you may have package Foo 1.0 which includes subpackage Bar, but you have subpackage Bar 2.0 which people can install separately if they need to. Bumping the major tells people straight out that things have changed. Two majors means that people have to keep track of two numbers for that -- can you tell at a glance if 54.32.593.3 is compatible with 54.33.594.4, for example.
With my proposed version scheme, you won't ever get 54.32.593.3. That's kind of the whole point. So instead you'd be comparing and, which is a lot easier to read.
The point of Semantic Versioning is to tell you something.
So let's say you have Compiler 5.3.2
It means that the important thing is compiler #5. Upgrading from 4 to 5 is a _Big Deal_. You may have to rewrite all your code.
Within 5, you have a version 3. 3 has features A,B,C which 2 doesn't have. Most additions go there. So it should be safe to upgrade.
Within that, you have bugfix #2. That _should_ always be upgraded, unless you rely on undocumented features.
So it's easy for me to tell if I should upgrade.
So upgrading from Apache 1 to Apache 2 may brake config scripts and .htaccess files. Don't upgrade on production build.
Upgrading Apache 1.1 to 1.2, See README, Should be fine, do a small test on your testing machine.
Upgrading Apache 1.1.2 to 1.1.3. Probably a security fix. Do so. Immediately.
The OP's numbering system doesn't tell me anything. should I upgrade to Will it be safe? Probably not. You may have to schedule a full testing load just to be sure.
What about from to Same thing. You have to do a full testing.
And if you _really_ break old code, do everyone a favor and rename your project (So, no, please don't call Go C++ V.13 or something)
You seem to be very confused. Upgrading from to with my scheme is no different than upgrading from 54.3.2 to 55.0.0 with traditional semantic versioning. I'm not suggesting any change to the actual model of semver, I'm literally just saying that I want to tack a new component on to the front for human consumption purposes.
In a library, breaking releases should be far fewer than "regular" feature releases. My point is that if you break code more than a few times in the history of your library, you'll get a revolution. For example, see Python 2->3, which was a relatively "small" fix (which just happened to affect pretty much half of existing string processing code), and PHP, where they seem to introduce and then turn around and remove those features every couple years (mysql, no, mysqli, no, PDO? Are we there yet?)
There's a big difference between massive sweeping breaking changes, and small breaking changes. What I care about is the ability to do smaller breaking changes, and the new "major" version number that I tacked onto the front is to signify the large sweeping changes instead of the smaller breaking changes.
As user, I see no difference because result is same: code is broken. You are trying to introduce full scale for the binary thing. If breaking change is small, then delay it until next major release.
As a consumer, that first number becomes irrelevant if it's not the "is this going to break my shit?" number. Why have it? It's not communicating something useful to me. Cut it.
But it does communicate something useful! It tells you "this isn't a huge change, it's a minor change that just happens to break backwards-compatibility in some fashion". Most products reserve major version number changes for when there's particularly large or important changes to the product. Committing to semantic versioning means losing that. The upside is your package manager knows when it's safe to silently upgrade. The downside is the actual humans looking at your product have no idea which versions they need to actually do some work to support, versus which ones just have minor breaking changes that may not even affect them.
I expect to audit dependencies I use when they break API compatibility in any way. That's a feature, not a bug. Having a "well, the maintainer think this is a bigger break" number does nothing. It's still a break. It's still a major version change.
In Semver the first number is not "is this going to break my shit?", it's "is it potentially breaking my shit?" in this proposed alternative the first number is "this is definitely going to break your shit", the second number is "this may break your shit, check the changelog to see if it affects you"
Having a "may" in there is the same thing as a "will" from the perspective of downstream. It still needs to be audited and checked. There's no value in splitting this out.
>It's much more reasonable though: they're committed to using Semver, so even a minor breaking change (like upgrading Typescript) will bump the version number. So they're expecting the version numbers not to matter as much anymore, similar to how you no longer think of the version number of Chrome or Firefox too often.
That's contradictory.
Once you introduce breaking changes, you require people to update, and old code may not work on new systems.
Then you can't just say "Angular" like you can't say "Python" or "C/C++"
I know what you mean but it's kind of ridiculous to say that "you can't say 'Python'". There's a reason why the project name doesn't change just because you bumped the major version number.
>There's a reason why the project name doesn't change just because you bumped the major version number.
The OP suggested to make an "evergreen" Angular, like an evergreen Chrome. My point is that you can't do that if you introduce breaking changes, because "this will work in C (and just upgrade to a new version if you don't have it)" doesn't work anymore.
Obviously making small breaking changes shouldn't require renaming your language (so PHP4 is still PHP, even though it broke quite a lot of old files relying on register_globals)
This tech industry bubble and its self-centeredness really gets up my nose sometimes. Yeah, working for google is totally like actually shoving a woman in childbirth out a porthole or watching all the kids under the age of 7 die. Or selling your (remaining) kids into servitude and maybe never see them again. I bet that that nugget of info was on all the pamphlets back in the home countries!
Just because injustices in he current system aren't as physically horrible as those in years past, does not mean we shouldn't look back for comparisons and solutions.
The right to organize has been near lobbied out of existence in many states, and any new attempts are easily busted. At the same time, increased automation, ever narrowing specialization and oversupply of an educated workforce has given employers even more leverage over the labor.
The OP was comparing working at google, one of the most sought-after jobs in the world, and which you can leave, to a coffin ship experience where the lice were so thick that you could simple scrape them off in bulk.
It's not just 'physically horrible'. How many people at google or microsoft have to sell their children to survive? The OP is just so patently ridiculous that the comment isn't even worth taking seriously - but unfortunately, there's Poe's Law...
I'm not comparing directly, but I want to put our "moral outrage" in perspective.
This was the 1700s. People were living on subsistence farming. If you weren't a landowner in England, you starved, and it wasn't like in 2016 where there's realistic talk of UBI based on automation, I mean it was like over a hundred years before Marx, and long before the industrial revolution.
And it's not like the "wealthy" were so terribly wealthy that they could just take "free" people to America.
And it's also not like the wealthy had nice 1890's first class ship rides.
The times were terrible, and the choices were terrible.
Even when someone died on the journey, if they'd made it halfway or more, their family members on the ship were sometimes still held responsible for the cost of their trip!
If you buy two cruise tickets with your credit card and your partner dies halfway through the trip, you still owe your bank the cost of two cruise tickets. (That is, unless the right kind of coverage is included in your annual fee.)
The only thing that has changed between then and now is that you might be able to sue for damages if unsafe conditions on the ship can be shown to have caused your partner's untimely demise.
On the other hand, if your partner buys their own ticket, their estate is responsible for the ticket and if it doesn't have sufficient assets their credit card company can go eat a brick.
This is a more reasonable comparison in our modern context where such a contract would be entered into individually, not on behalf of a partner.
It is _not_. You cannot distribute it. That makes it not open source.