The "investigations" you reference were by German media, whereas the wsj article was allegedly from German authorities. Moreover, while you accuse the wsj article as "hearsay", the same is true for the tagesspiegel you linked. The crux of that article's claim is that the company that rented the yacht had Crimean owners with ties to Russia, but no proof was presented. We're asked to trust the journalists on that, just as we're asked to trust the wsj journalists on the facts of the German authorities' investigation.
Uber Eats in the USA, yes, it's more hands off in terms of gig workers. In the UK and Germany and many other countries though, there have been many court rulings to essentially ban gig-working and enforce employee protections.
You can request a GDPR deletion if you are in Europe? I don't know how Twitter actually conform to this regulation if you are outside of the EU, or how they would even know you are outside of the EU.
That's a bit of a mischaracterisation of the point OP was making. It is a small consumer device with a battery, that only lasts a few days and is then tossed out. That should never have been legal in the first place.
Plenty of children's toys are just as bad. All those musical toys/books you see: most of them do not have replaceable batteries - or the battery is replaceable but the retail price of the batteries is more than the whole toy (you can get sketchy batteries from the usual sketchy places for cheaper)
It was never free or instant. It only works from 9-15 on workdays and not on weekends. Also if there are holidays in eu also doesn't work for domestic transfers. Easter is fun whe it stops for 4 days even though country has only 3 state holidays during those times. Costs from 25-40 cents per domestic transaction or 7-17 euro per over border one. Depending on the bank.
It takes around an hour or some days over border for transfer to go through.
Maybe you think of sepa instant which is supported by some banks. Very new. Mostly used for people to people transfers. Some shops are starting to support it. It is actually instantaneous anc works weekends. It seems to be mostly free.
In addition, SEPA was never free. So OP is also wrong there.
The regulation only stipulates "equality of charges", that the bank's fees for a payment into another SEPA country/bank must be the same as into the same bank or within the same country [0]. I.e. no payment fee discrimination across SEPA: if my Czech bank X charges me Y for a local EUR payment into X, it must also charge me Y for the same EUR payment into Italy, for example.
Would any bank actually charge their customers Y>0 like that? Yes they would. For example the Bank of Cyprus (in Cyprus, which is in both EU & SEPA) will charge you 6 EUR for a SEPA payment of 1200 EUR if the sender is a physical person, and 10 EUR if legal person [1]. And 4 EUR for smaller EUR amounts. Far from "free".
In this very orange website. Any EU regulation seems to be anathema and a barrier to innovation, and that extends to things that improve user privacy and such.
The joke is that every single time an article about EU tech regulations comes out, a bunch of people sneer that this is why Europe doesn't have FAANGs.
But isn't one of the effects of GLP-1 is that it literally makes you not crave junk food? It doesn't just metabolize food more, or however that works, it also changes your dietary behaviours.
Not in the way you're implying. I should mention that I'm in a clinical trial for CagriSema (and it's a head-to-head efficacy trial against tirzepatide, so not blind, with no placebo, but randomized), so I am speaking from experience.
It works in a few ways, but the vast majority of the benefit is just from delayed gastric emptying (food sticks around in you longer) which makes you feel fuller, and it helps remove hunger in general. If you're not careful, you'll find yourself simply not eating, so you have to be careful - that's a lot of why it leads to nausea. People don't eat, don't hydrate, and they get sick. Turns out that happens with or without the drug; not eating and not drinking will make you nauseous.
If you have a bag of french fries, you will find yourself sick because you overdid it. It doesn't make them taste any less good. You just learn about portion control somewhat through force, because when you screw it up you feel ill.
The other thing it does is remove the "food noise" so many of us simply exist with. I didn't know this was a thing, but it is - I grew up very impoverished, and we didn't always have food. I am also genetically predisposed to retaining more weight than necessary. Looking back now, I was constantly seeking a next snack or a next meal, almost before I finished my previous one, subconsciously. My days were split, in my head, into mealtimes and the times between mealtimes, which were usually snacking time. But between the habit, the ADHD, and the predisposition to always be thinking about it, it was an impossible habit to break.
I didn't realize this until talking to my wife, who doesn't have this problem. She also didn't used to think every food tasted incredible. Just some. Meanwhile, there was almost nothing I ate that didn't taste fantastic, in my brain. That has also adjusted to be more "normal," but historically whenever my mom has stopped, that adjustment didn't revert. It would appear to have been stable, as it helps your brain and body simply figure out it isn't starving all the time.
It's kind of hard to explain, so I hope that made sense.