I define myself politically as a Classical Liberal and therefore I strongly oppose pseudoscientific positions like those defended by the Critical Theory folks (aka "woke").
I wholeheartedly support the Godot team.
We can't tolerate each other. We can't be friends.
I know some people will tell that people like me are wrong, people like them are wrong, that we are both wrong, but you just need to educate yourself politically.
I'm a bit disappointed by all big companies focusing on the states. Fact is, over 95% of people don't live in the US. Every time I see some fancy new technology, chances are I'll never get to use it in my country.
It simply doesn't work in any real life situation.
Yes, the problem of self driving cars is they can kill people, that's the whole problem, thing is that google is always promising that "they are here for all", "it's the next year", etc. it's all BS.
You don't have a google self driving car, and you didn't book your hairdresser via duplex, and you won't be booking your car or anything through any of this.
You've made this claim a few times in this thread now. Can you please elaborate as to what about Duplex, specifically, has not worked for you?
Edit: A quick browse through OP's comment history suggests that s/he might not be US-based. Should that be the case, then it's not that Duplex is flawed, it's that it's simply not available where they live.
I have been using the call screening feature on my Original Pixel for months now. It works very well. I can't comment on making reservations via phone, since we don't often go to places that require reservations, but the call screening is great.
Waymo is not a car company. They don't have the capability to make an actual car even if the autonomy stuff worked well enough to be used nationwide. Which it does not and will not in the foreseeable future.
I downvoted you because you are peddling outright lies.
Google Duplex has been launched and you can use it today to book appointments in restaurants that are not on any table booking platform. Have you tried it?
If you haven't, please do.
If you have, and you still insist on saying it doesn't exist, please explain what it will take to convince you.
(Edit: I went through your comment history and your comments pattern match to either a troll or an Apple shill, neither of which are welcome here. Please take this to reddit)
Google Duplex is only available in the US, that is less than 5% of the population. HN is a global community - it is entirely believable that GP is unable to use this service that, after a year, is not available outside the US market.
Also, please do not accuse people of being trolls. It is against the site guidelines and is not constructive discourse.
>it is entirely believable that GP is unable to use this service
They didn't say "it isn't available to me". They said it was "BS" - that is, that it was a lie and isn't a real service. They could have easily verified for themselves this isn't true. They could have even read the linked article which specifically mentions that Duplex did in fact come out.
a) Their comments indicate otherwise.
b) They could say that then. Instead they are blaming Google for more or less lying about Duplex, which is quite disrespectful to the people who have actually worked on it.
c) If they had expressed disappointment about the service having limited availability, I'd not be here making this point.
Looks like I bothered some fanboys, the Earth still rotates around the Sun. I don't have time for people that refuse to accept the truth, and the fact is that "duplex" is not even a shadow of what they promised last year, doesn't matter to anyone but for fanboys because the assistant usage is exactly as you expect: Siri the most used, then Samsung's Bixby then Google's... in a market where Android dominates, it's shameful for Google to lose so clearly at their core competence, so they push so hard for their image as a "cut above the rest" that some people actually believe it.
This is in the US, where Apple only manages a 36% smartphone market share, and google assistant is available on the iPhone, but Siri isn't on non-Apple devices
It's stupid because the market valuated AAPL at about $150 three months ago, and now is about $150.
That stupid.
BTW, I say the market is stupid because I bought AAPL shares January 28th (a monday), and I've bet the market ever since, I've beat SP500, DOW, I've won AMZN, MSFT, GOOG, everything. I even won Warren Buffet.
And I'm selling now, because the market is also predictable.
I have no words for it, they do as they are told by the news. I do the contrary, this is a warning sign for me, I might miss 10%-20%, but it doesn't matter, 30% is good enough and not worth the risk.
So you beat the market for a total of... Two and a half months?
Your arrogance is pretty typical of people investing for the first time. It's like buying a scratch off and saying, "Only an idiot doesn't know where to scratch!"
It's your prerogative if you want to believe that the market is stupid/predictable, or that you can invest better than people with billions of dollars in resources, but just ask yourself this: Why are you succeeding where others aren't?
> So you beat the market for a total of... Two and a half months?
I've been beating the market for quite some time.
Looks like the market doesn't go your favor. It went mine, so I'm right.
The market is stupid, the proof is that a company's value doesn't change in a question of months, but stock does.
> It's your prerogative if you want to believe that the market is stupid/predictable, or that you can invest better than people with billions of dollars in resources, but just ask yourself this: Why are you succeeding where others aren't?
Because very few of us are smart, and not me, because I'm small, but the big ones are controlling many dumb ones that believe the rhetoric they read anywhere online and for free. Specially the bots.
AMZN was once the biggest company by market cap and over a $1T...
Now it's in the low 900's.
GOOG was once higher than Apple, now it isn't even in the 900's club.
Wall Street is dumb as a rock when it comes to technology and they invest heavily in industries they just don't understand.
My favourite example is cloud.
What is cloud: it's you renting computers.
No, it's not software, because people want a Hotel to go on vacations so they don't have to do the chores associated with living in a house (doing the bedroom, cleaning, etc.) and enjoy. Now, engineers, we want a reason to be hired, so PaaS doesn't have a point, SaaS has it's limited market, and IaaS is completly stupid.
There's a reason why the companies best aligned with doing cloud (those who make semiconductors) aren't aligning in it, is there a Intel cloud? A TSMC cloud? No!
Let them do the computer renting business, "it's the future", renting a thing that devaluates in value faster than a car!
This is how I expect media to describe the US External Politics
If President is Democrat:
* If President Raises Military Expenditure: "he is helping protect the people of the world from tyrant governments"
* If President Lowers Military Expenditure: "we cant afford this many wars, we must instead focus on our own problems, we must focus on (insert recent catastrophe, that's inevitable in the US like a wild fire in the West Coast or a tornado in the East Coast)"
If President is Republican:
* If President Raises Military Expenditure: "he is being imperialist, we don't want this blood in our hands"
* If President Lowers Military Expenditure: "he is letting the tyrants like him do their bidding, remember the little kids in Africa, if we don't step in, who will?"