It’s very strange. I had a vivid dream, only about 5 hours ago, where I was debating the drawbacks of TAA with some scientists in a lab (likely because Half Life has been in the news this week). I think I dream about rendering algorithms once every several years.
And now today there’s this post and your comment here in the front page.
As randomly connected graphs fill in, they quickly must produce patterns. The patterns are non-random (thus they are a pattern!), but essentially "chosen" from all possible patterns randomly.
Which is another way of saying: a proof of God would be going through life without a constant stream of surprisingly meaningful coincidences.
Unbiased reality is inherently a blind but inventive "Creator".
Yes, on high density displays this is very much possible. Eye based SSAA, the worse your prescription the better the quality. On my Pixel 9 Pro, the no AA circle demo is perfect on native 1440p resolution without AA. But dense foliage in 3D scenes will definitely ruin that. Motion induced shimmering is inescapable I think, without some kind of filtering.
No AA on 4K/high-DPI has been almost perfect for me, but I still occasionally notice thin edges flickering and objects getting dithered when fading in or out. It's definitely better than TAA though, which just ends up smearing everything that moves.
We maintain a fairly large and complex CRA application, which has been migrated to Vite, but not fully.
Since a lot of changes would be needed and we are very risk averse (heavily regulated industry), we decided to do it piecemeal by first configuring Vite to behave exactly (or as close to as possible) like CRA and later removing these Vite configurations one by one (and making necessary code changes).
Currently our production builds are done through CRA while dev runs Vite. It works really well and minimal code changes were needed.
I've been wanting to release this config publicly to help others migrate to Vite, but have unfortunately not had time to.
Sounds like an interesting approach. I'm sure a gradual approach like the one you mention would be super-helpful for anyone trying to migrate a complicated CRA app. I'm hoping you're able to find time to share in the near future.
I bought my gf an M3 pro with 8gb ram and text input in the browser is often slow as hell (Google Docs, Facebook Messenger, etc.). Takes a moment before a character appears after typing it. I've never owned a Mac myself so I believed Apple's marketing speak about 8gb being the 16gb on their platform (not to mention that the 16gb upgrade is ridiculously expensive) but boy are they wrong. Maybe in native applications their memory magic works but definitely not in a browser. She does some light React dev and it's been fine for that though (but not mind-blowing).
Yeah it sucks. I use an M1 8GB for work because at work we're not allowed to order CTO models :( We have to order through a reseller that refused to do this. It's very tough to work with (though I'm sure part of the reason is Microsoft's incompetence, their apps perform very poorly and a lot of them are electron crap now).
Apple saying the "our 8GB is equivalent to 16GB" is something they've always done. Even in the PowerPC days they were selling the "megaherz myth" as if their megahertzes were better than intel's.
Of course when they moved to intel Macs received a huge performance boost...
> Although I've always felt that puts me in a vulnerable position.
If you squat or kneel, you are more stable, facing forward, have your arms in a position where they can manipulate something in front of you (i.e. to defend yourself), and your legs as the forward-most part of your body. If you bow, your torso is off-center of your feet, your center of gravity stays high, your head and face are the most exposed part of your body, and your arms are angled to manipulate something below you.
If an attacking dog gets into a position where your arms can deflect it while bowing, your groin, legs and torso are already in trouble.
At $dayjob I work on a very dense UI for a financial institution. Think Bloomberg terminal in React and RTK. It's extremely customizable and had lots of elements updating multiple times per second (charts, graphs, enormous tables, etc.) with realtime data coming through over a websocket. We do very little actual performance tuning and mostly just follow best practices.
I don't think React is to blame for your performance issues.
If seeing how common `eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps` is any indication, people just don't bother with best practices. Not to mention the majority of people I interview or hire don't know anything about CSS performance, they learn on the job. They'll happily add 1000 box shadows in a view if it's in the design.
Also OP is looking to move an existing React UI to Svelte, why not try Preact first instead of an entire rewrite? Or even Inferno or If they did and they're insufficient, I don't even believe the browser's DOM is the right technology for that UI then.
I've been running Arch with KDE under Wayland on two different laptops both with NVIDIA GPUs using proprietary drivers for years and have not run into issues. Maybe I'm lucky? It's been flawless for me.
The experiences always vary quite a lot, it depends so much on what you do with it. For example discord doesn't support screen sharing with Wayland, it's just one small example but those can add up over time. Another example is display rotation which was broken in kde for a long time (recently fixed).
I've (with help of ChatGPT) written an email that I've sent to all representatives. Feel free to use it!
Subject: Urgent: Chat Control
Dear Representative,
I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding Chat Control. As a citizen of the European Union, I am committed to safeguarding our fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly the right to privacy and the protection of personal data.
The Chat Control Chat Control poses several significant risks:
Invasion of Privacy: The proposed measures would lead to the mass surveillance of private communications, undermining the privacy of all EU citizens. This broad surveillance is disproportionate and infringes on our fundamental right to private correspondence.
Security Risks: Weakening encryption to facilitate the monitoring of communications makes all users more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Encryption is essential for protecting sensitive data, including financial information, personal communications, and sensitive business data.
Potential for Abuse: Granting authorities the power to monitor private communications without adequate checks and balances can lead to misuse and abuse of power. This undermines trust in both governmental and digital platforms.
Stifling Innovation: Chat Control could have a chilling effect on tech innovation within the EU. Companies may be discouraged from developing new technologies or offering their services in the EU due to increased regulatory burdens and privacy concerns.
I urge you to oppose Chat Control and advocate for solutions that protect children online without compromising the privacy and security of all citizens. Alternatives such as targeted interventions, improved digital literacy, and support for responsible online behavior are more effective and less intrusive ways to achieve these goals.
Protecting the privacy and security of our digital communications is crucial for maintaining trust in the digital economy and upholding the values of the European Union. I hope you will consider these points and vote against Chat Control.
Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.
Yours sincerely,
[your name/address/etc.]
If you are outside the EU, change the first paragraph to:
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposed Chat Control legislation, despite not being a resident of the European Union. As someone who values privacy and security in digital communications, I believe this legislation has far-reaching implications that extend beyond the borders of the EU.
> On-Topic: Anything that good hackers would find interesting. That includes more than hacking and startups. If you had to reduce it to a sentence, the answer might be: anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity.
What is the definition of an engineer in your eyes? In some countries there is a legal definition, so developers are not allowed to call themselves engineers unless they have an engineering degree (and not the software kind).
It is not about my personal definition, there are even laws as you said.
I just find it silly to use a definition that you typically need 4-6 years of maths heavy formal education for front end javascript that you can learn on youtube in a month.
I'm one of those "real engineers" that studied 4-6 years of maths, and this gatekeeping feels very silly to me.
Some frontend developers are doing more actual engineering than I did when I was working as an actual electrical engineer, and I was working on buildings and shit.
Not all frontend devs, though, and certainly not the ones straight out of a bootcamp, but a lot are.
But the people building foundations for others to work on (like the target audience for this library) definitely are doing some sort of engineering.