All the features, and none of the freedom. Kirk and the crew would have a lot of bad things to say about the iPhone and it's walled lawn. It's tragic that I can't install an application I wrote without going through Apple on the thousand dollar computer that I bought.
After realizing that HN can be a rather challenging place (highlighted in the shocking moderation of the Queen E death announcement thread), I actually took a substantial break from HN. And it made me quite a bit happier. I recommend you make your own HN with RSS. It is substantially better that way. You won't be at the mercy of one moderators personal belief system and your 'main page' will hopefully better reflect your interests.
You need a reader. There are many. Then you just add the website feeds that you follow to it. You can even add HN, specific subreddits, and YouTube channels!
Thanks for letting me know. It's hard to figure out which services support Linux; usually they don't mention it, despite the browser being a so-called OS indepedent platform.
You can bypass it with a user agent extension. Change it to chrome on windows. There's no tech reason for the block, just crapy devs at a crappy company.
If you ever needed further proof that you should not financially support Apple, eh?
I assume all the big successful companies are like this. To change it, if that was your desire, we need to be outside their influence. That's why FOSS is so valuable.
It does feel unnaturally influenced, I agree. Follow the money, I suppose.
Who stands to gain from twitter and/or elons failure? We can speculate for fun. Certainly Bill Gates, with his half billion short on Tesla. He'd have the money to influence social media. We already know Microsoft games HN from when the CEO was bragging about it to shareholders. So it can be done.
Who else? Oil and Gas probably hate him for Teslas battery tech.
The entire automotive industry would be interested in piling on.
... NASA? That doesn't seem like them but who knows.
Everyone on twitter who already hated him would be doubling down.
Not even slightly jealous. The guy purports to be solving the greatest problems humanity has in some kind of altruistic way. But really he’s built a company selling luxury electric cars to the top 5% which allow us to carry on our bad behaviour for a few more years in a new way. At the same time trying to crush worker rights and sell out to China.
I'm jealous of the ability that he has to do whatever he wants, not the means by which he does it.
I'm over here expecting to lose my house as interest rates crank up, barely able to afford daycare and he's what, pissing off easily upset internet people while doing literally whatever he pleases?
I basically want an old school style mp3 player with bluetooth and a GPS tracker that I can just plug into a computer and grab the gpx data, and copy mp3s to its disk. No apps, no locked down ecosystems. If it tells the time and shows a calendar, great.
I used to run with a Sansa Clip. It was perfect for that use case. Tiny, practically weightless, and could store many hours of music. My computer treated it like any USB drive, so it was easy to update. One of mine (I think I burned through 3 of them over the years even had an FM radio.
Today, when I run, I just carry my phone. It ends up doing everything the old clip did but in a much larger and more cumbersome package.
I'd probably carry my phone anyway these days after having a run, years ago, where my IT band told me I was done NOW but I was 8 miles from home. It was early Sunday morning and I ended up walking 2 miles on country roads and then through an empty office park before I found some place with a phone to call for a ride. That sucked.