As for modern electronic music, it became very dumb compared to oldschool techno of 90s, who even listens to that crap nowadays? Why someone would pay for loud noise?
> All traffic using the or hostname(s) will continue to work without interruption and be redirected to or until August 14th, 2024, at which time the Cloudflare hostnames will no longer connect to IPFS and all users must switch the hostname they use to or
So, we will have many died links on internet again.
> I wonder if this is related to the shift in media consumption habits more than anything.
In the past I was active torrents user but now I just lost interest in movies and music, I'm tired of it. I already saw and heard almost everything, nothing "new" will impress me.
I don't think keeping sockets open waiting for incoming data have big impact on battery usage because there is no data transmission at that moment so radio shouldn't consume much energy in stand-by mode.
I use K9-Mail app for email working 24h a day, it has multiple accounts on different IMAP4 servers. You know, IMAP requires one keep-alive socket per subscribed folder and I have no problem with battery usage.
I don’t think IMAP is a good example here. Your email client will try both subscribing and classic polling. Subscribing is not a MUST. And from the point of view of end user, the difference when polling in a classical way is simply that the user will be notified later, so it’s hard to tell what the client really did in the background.
> I have developed ActivityPub software, I am aware exactly how difficult it is to implement - which is less than what Hrefna's thread would lead one believe.
I have developed too but it wasn't very difficult for me. Well, in most cases all my problems were due to my laziness to read ActivityPub rfcs carefully.
> But I don't want the mods running the instance choosing what I can or cannot see because they don't like eg. Harry Potter. That's my individual decision to make.
Yes, such a phenomenon takes place there sometimes, mostly this problem occurs on some little servers with few active users. I don't think it's a big problem for fediverse, there are servers with adequate moderation you can choose or just run your own.