I find myself impressed every time I look and find that the Roblox userbase has grown by another zillion and yet nobody I know has heard of it. Filter bubbles are uncanny when you notice them.
I guess this is what's meant by "antifragile" -- not merely durable in the sense of "resistant to stresses", but actively improved by exposure to stress.
That Asimov quote is actually pretty damned close to reality. Why is that exchange, of all things, sitting beside Neville "Peace for our times" Chamberlain?
MS is an autoimmune disorder. Claiming that you could voluntarily give yourself the condition through counterproductive meditation is emblematic of the general mystic nonsense of yogiism. You'll never be able to levitate, either.
Sorry, I wasn't "claiming" it gives a person MS, more so i used the word "Think" as a colloquial sentence starter to get the person's mindset visualizing how certain dis-eases can alter a nervous system's function. Esp at the later stages of the practice, usually after decades of sense refinement from body scanning.
Even the supreme court of the United States of 'but muh free speech' America has struck down the notion of threats of violence being a form of protected speech.
Also, where in sweet jesus do you come from that threats of horrific violence--anything short of aggravated assault--is COMPLETELY above-board?
If you use this language with your coworkers, you are liable to be fired. If you use this language with your subordinates, you are liable to be fired and charged with harassment. If you use this language to a server at a restaurant, you are liable to be expelled from the property.
Notably, if you use this language on Hacker News, your account will get thrown directly into the Sun.
This language is not tolerable, and it is absolutely not harmless (want citations?).