>After COVID-19, the US’s financial standing has improved faster than in most other advanced economies thanks to the speed of the country’s economic recovery. According to CBO’s latest forecast, the deficit fell by $1.7 trillion between fiscal years 2021 and 2022, and this is the fastest deficit reduction in history.
The deficit fell by 1.7 trillion because of the expiration of COVID stimulus money. Then it started rising again.
>As the figure shows, the US deficits were higher during the pandemic. CBO’s latest budget projections show that deficits have fallen to 4 percent of GDP and will remain around that level, which is well below the pandemic levels and even below the Administration’s estimates for the FY2023 budget.
This is an optimistic case. It assumes no new wars, recessions, tax cuts, social programs, and interest rates never climbing above 4%. I just checked, and the 10Y treasury is at 4.681%.
>The downsides is that it's so expensive, not everyone can afford to live there, pay the taxes, pay the cost of living, etc.
If the average person who moves there becomes poorer and sees a lower standard of living, I'm not sure we can really call it "great". Great for some people, maybe.
For a similar reason I think most definitions of poverty are silly. The poorest people in Western societies today are living like kings compared to the living standards of 1800. It's a moving goalpost that doesn't mean anything. You can measure wealth inequality, but that's a different thing.
The subline mentions "Auto-login", but the article never elaborates on this. Does this mean we will be able to more easily archive non-public websites?
Also, how do you plan to ensure data authenticity across a distributed archive? For example, if I archive someone's blog, what is stopping me from inserting inflammatory posts that they never wrote, and passing them off as the real deal? Slight update: I see you're using TLS Notary! That's exactly what I would have suggested!
Maybe popular music is getting worse, but music in general is not. The main downside of good, modern music is that's its next-to impossible to share with other people in real life because everyone has different tastes due to genre fragmentation.
Earlier I received a strange call from someone. The voice asked if I could hear him. I said "I can hear you, now who is speaking". Then they hung up. I'm pretty sure they were hoping that I would respond with the word "yes". That is a very dangerous word in the wrong hands!
That's... totally normal calculus curriculum, and is pretty elementary, not advanced.
It's true you won't do a symbolic integration ever again, but practice learning stuff like that will serve them well when they're learning intricate tax code rules and principles of managerial finance, cash flow, rates of return etc.
I mean, now that I say all that, they'd probably be best served by just jumping into the complex business and finance math and skipping symbolic integration, once they totally understand integration conceptually. But if they don't, they're still getting good practice out of it, especially if they find it challenging. That means they are learning problem solving techniques they didn't know, and need to know.
The only way you're right and it's a waste of time is if they find it easy.
The deficit fell by 1.7 trillion because of the expiration of COVID stimulus money. Then it started rising again.
>As the figure shows, the US deficits were higher during the pandemic. CBO’s latest budget projections show that deficits have fallen to 4 percent of GDP and will remain around that level, which is well below the pandemic levels and even below the Administration’s estimates for the FY2023 budget.
The CBO projects budget deficits to explode to 8.5% of GDP by 2054: https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59711
This is an optimistic case. It assumes no new wars, recessions, tax cuts, social programs, and interest rates never climbing above 4%. I just checked, and the 10Y treasury is at 4.681%.