This is a really weird question. If it's not prohibited, why shouldn't you be allowed to do something by default? Isn't that a basic thing in all(?) legal systems?
I don't know if this is a rhetorical question or strongly held belief on your part, but this kind of thinking is what has led to such a grotesque invasion of personal privacy via trackers and other data gathering techniques the last few years. Legality is not the right standard. How about basic courtesy and erring on the side of respecting user privacy?
If all of us pushed our behavior to the legal limit, society would likely fall apart. Orderly society only happens because the vast majority of people respect the rights of others.
I have deactivated FB since last Jan. Never felt any urge to return. But Reddit seems to be hard to quit as the majority of the time it delivers the garbage disguised as information. As a person who was on FB only for news feeds, Reddit seems to be the perfect shelter for me.
First Malayalam-English( another south Indian Language) dictionary was compiled by a German linguist Hermann Gundert who is the grandfather of German novelist and Nobel laureate Hermann Hesse.
In India also we get form from employer with information on tax paid in that financial year. You just need to copy paste the values to tax dept. website and submit. So simple.