31. | | Millions of Gmail accounts hacked (fusion.net) |
1 point by WritelyDesigned on Sept 10, 2014 | past
32. | | In space, astronauts’ immune systems get totally confused (washingtonpost.com) |
2 points by WritelyDesigned on Aug 18, 2014 | past
33. | | Frustrated Mom Creates ‘Ignore No More’ App To Get Teen Kids To Return Call (cbslocal.com) |
10 points by WritelyDesigned on Aug 17, 2014 | past | 1 comment
34. | | Wikipedia fights back against Europe's 'right to be forgotten' (yahoo.com) |
1 point by WritelyDesigned on Aug 6, 2014 | past
35. | | Silicon Valley street artists lampoon Obama on his fundraising path (theweek.com) |
3 points by WritelyDesigned on July 30, 2014 | past | 2 comments
36. | | Google's Android Has a Fake-ID Problem (businessweek.com) |
1 point by WritelyDesigned on July 29, 2014 | past
37. | | ToDoDeck: Simple Notecards for Productive People (tododeck.com) |
5 points by WritelyDesigned on July 11, 2014 | past | 6 comments
38. | | The Rise of White Backgrounds in Self-Help Book Design (writelydesigned.com) |
2 points by WritelyDesigned on June 27, 2014 | past
39. | | The Importance of a Quality Book Cover Design [video] (writelydesigned.com) |
1 point by WritelyDesigned on June 24, 2014 | past
40. | | SF Traffic Sign Hacked To Warn Drivers Of ‘Godzilla Attack’ (cbslocal.com) |
5 points by WritelyDesigned on May 19, 2014 | past | 2 comments
41. | | Over $5 Billion and Counting for Obamacare Websites (thefiscaltimes.com) |
2 points by WritelyDesigned on May 13, 2014 | past
42. | | More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up (weeklystandard.com) |
2 points by WritelyDesigned on May 8, 2014 | past
43. | | Mysterious aircraft filmed blitzing Taliban base (dailymail.co.uk) |
1 point by WritelyDesigned on May 8, 2014 | past
44. | | Miami Teen Arrested for Hacking Computers to Change Grades (go.com) |
1 point by WritelyDesigned on May 3, 2014 | past
45. | | Physics students devise concept for Star Wars-style deflector shields (phys.org) |
3 points by WritelyDesigned on May 2, 2014 | past
46. | | Pennsylvania cops no longer need a warrant to search citizens’ vehicles (lancasteronline.com) |
1 point by WritelyDesigned on May 2, 2014 | past
47. | | Political Preferences on Social Media Sites (nytimes.com) |
1 point by WritelyDesigned on April 30, 2014 | past
48. | | Driver caught using cell phone jamming device (myfoxny.com) |
134 points by WritelyDesigned on April 30, 2014 | past | 201 comments
49. | | NewsRabble: News headlines chosen by the people (newsrabble.com) |
2 points by WritelyDesigned on April 28, 2014 | past | 1 comment
50. | | Sun Unleashes Major Solar Flare [video] (space.com) |
1 point by WritelyDesigned on April 25, 2014 | past
51. | | Drudge Vote: If You Combined Hacker News with Drudge, This is What You Would Get (drudgevote.com) |
2 points by WritelyDesigned on April 24, 2014 | past | 1 comment
52. | | Jottly: A New, Free "Tweet-Style" Productivity Web App (jottlyapp.com) |
16 points by WritelyDesigned on March 14, 2014 | past | 11 comments