1. | | Fedora 19 - "Schrödinger's Cat" - is most certainly alive (h-online.com) |
2 points by Maci on July 2, 2013 | past
2. | | Two clicks for more privacy (h-online.com) |
3 points by Maci on March 18, 2013 | past
3. | | "Intel Packet of Death" not Intel's problem (h-online.com) |
78 points by Maci on Feb 12, 2013 | past | 32 comments
4. | | Of netbooks, tablets and Linux's revenge (h-online.com) |
2 points by Maci on Jan 20, 2013 | past
5. | | Bitcoin-Central becomes Bank (bbc.co.uk) |
13 points by Maci on Dec 8, 2012 | past | 1 comment
6. | | The Audition (bostonmagazine.com) |
1 point by Maci on July 6, 2012 | past
7. | | Ubuntu boots on 8-bit microcontroller (h-online.com) |
1 point by Maci on March 31, 2012 | past
8. | | 'The Idea Factory': How Bell Labs invented the future (theverge.com) |
2 points by Maci on March 26, 2012 | past
9. | | In-Depth with the Windows 8 Consumer Preview (anandtech.com) |
3 points by Maci on March 10, 2012 | past
10. | | OpenDNS Releases DNS Encryption Tool (securityweek.com) |
2 points by Maci on Dec 9, 2011 | past
11. | | The iPhone 4S, HSPA+, and When HSPA+ is Real 4G (anandtech.com) |
50 points by Maci on Oct 10, 2011 | past | 17 comments
12. | | The Steve Jobs I Met (roughlydrafted.com) |
2 points by Maci on Oct 8, 2011 | past
13. | | Celebrating the 55th anniversary of the hard disk (theregister.co.uk) |
1 point by Maci on Sept 19, 2011 | past
14. | | Microsoft gives its developers Windows 8 tablets with a taste of Bob (roughlydrafted.com) |
2 points by Maci on Sept 16, 2011 | past
15. | | Can't resist that marshmallow? Self-control doesn't get easier with age (arstechnica.com) |
1 point by Maci on Sept 7, 2011 | past
16. | | Baidu forks Android to introduce its own mobile OS for China (appleinsider.com) |
2 points by Maci on Sept 6, 2011 | past
17. | | Trading IPv4 addresses will end in tears (arstechnica.com) |
4 points by Maci on Aug 29, 2011 | past
18. | | Accesskeys: Unlocking Hidden Navigation [2003] (alistapart.com) |
1 point by Maci on Aug 22, 2011 | past | 1 comment
19. | | Google moves Android from a PlaysForSure strategy to Zune strategy (roughlydrafted.com) |
2 points by Maci on Aug 20, 2011 | past
20. | | Are software patents evil? (roughlydrafted.com) |
3 points by Maci on Aug 13, 2011 | past
21. | | Raid on Russian Firm May Have Taken Down MacDefender Malware (macrumors.com) |
2 points by Maci on Aug 5, 2011 | past
22. | | AFP548 - OS X Lion Server Review (afp548.com) |
3 points by Maci on July 26, 2011 | past
23. | | The Illusions of Psychiatry (nybooks.com) |
50 points by Maci on July 16, 2011 | past | 15 comments
24. | | Apple: revising the definition of Pro (kensegall.com) |
1 point by Maci on July 3, 2011 | past
25. | | Solution found for iMac 2011 hard drive bay fan issue (hardmac.com) |
2 points by Maci on May 15, 2011 | past
26. | | Tablet Newspaper (1994) (paleofuture.com) |
1 point by Maci on May 4, 2011 | past