31. | | Why did GE Moore disappear from history? (prospectmagazine.co.uk) |
79 points by Hooke on April 10, 2020 | 14 comments
32. | | Prefer associative ontologies to hierarchical taxonomies (andymatuschak.org) |
125 points by dredmorbius on April 11, 2020 | 65 comments
33. | | Asciiflow in VS Code (github.com/zenghongtu) |
130 points by zenghongtu on April 11, 2020 | 23 comments
34. | | Don't Make Students Use Eclipse (nora.codes) |
276 points by NoraCodes on April 11, 2020 | 249 comments
35. | | Scientists use the Tokyo Skytree to test general relativity (phys.org) |
101 points by dnetesn on April 10, 2020 | 40 comments
36. | | A survey of testing techniques we've found useful (vector.dev) |
98 points by lukes386 on April 10, 2020 | 22 comments
37. | | AES-based Synthetic IDs: deterministic AE for 64-bit integers (github.com/iqlusioninc) |
64 points by beefhash on April 11, 2020 | 29 comments
38. | | Mars Helicopter Attached to NASA's Perseverance Rover (nasa.gov) |
92 points by caution on April 11, 2020 | 37 comments
39. | | Extortion emails back on the rise, says report (2019) (cpacanada.ca) |
35 points by digital_nomad on April 10, 2020 | 22 comments
40. | | WSU scientists enlist citizens in hunt for Asian giant hornet (wsu.edu) |
51 points by spking on April 9, 2020 | 32 comments
41. | | Why is Multi-Cloud a Hard Problem? (planetscale.com) |
82 points by atopia on April 10, 2020 | 27 comments
42. | | Ride down into JavaScript dependency hell (appsignal.com) |
133 points by nikolalsvk on April 10, 2020 | 143 comments
43. | | ReactOS 0.4.13 (reactos.org) |
112 points by shdon on April 11, 2020 | 31 comments
44. | | Nitric oxide inhibits the replication cycle of SARS coronavirus (2004) (asm.org) |
92 points by ajaviaad on April 11, 2020 | 112 comments
45. | | Forecasting with uncertainty (causal.app) |
84 points by Lukas1994 on April 11, 2020 | 20 comments
46. | | Nasal vaccine for Alzheimer’s cuts atrophied brain matter in mice (asahi.com) |
107 points by _Microft on April 11, 2020 | 17 comments
47. | | Agonia: A text-based adventure/fighting RPG (agonialands.com) |
59 points by hackertux on April 11, 2020 | 17 comments
48. | | List of computer history videos, documentaries and related folklore (2018) (github.com/watson) |
90 points by minexew on April 11, 2020 | 6 comments
49. | | Show HN: A modern BASIC-like teaching and learning programming language (easylang.online) |
76 points by chkas on April 11, 2020 | 48 comments
50. | | RaSCSI: SCSI Interface for Raspberry Pi (2019) (techrepublic.com) |
78 points by zdw on April 11, 2020 | 27 comments
51. | | Fatal disk errors on an Amiga 4000 unless the clock app is just so (theregister.co.uk) |
49 points by doener on April 11, 2020 | 4 comments
52. | | SCOOP: Simple Concurrent Object Oriented Programming (wikipedia.org) |
41 points by iou on April 11, 2020
53. | | Intermodal: A new command-line BitTorrent metainfo utility (rodarmor.com) |
80 points by rodarmor on April 11, 2020 | 24 comments
54. | | Some doctors moving away from ventilators for virus patients (apnews.com) |
112 points by onetimemanytime on April 11, 2020 | 114 comments
55. | | Tom’s Essay (2008) (nytimes.com) |
22 points by JacobAldridge on April 11, 2020 | 9 comments
56. | | France rules Google must pay news firms for content (reuters.com) |
134 points by us0r on April 11, 2020 | 186 comments
57. | | Zz: A smart and efficient directory changer (2017) (leahneukirchen.org) |
36 points by luu on April 8, 2020 | 7 comments
58. | | UDepth: Real-time 3D Depth Sensing on the Pixel 4 (googleblog.com) |
53 points by theafh on April 10, 2020 | 8 comments
59. | | Show HN: My Morning Routine – Share and Explore Routines (now.sh) |
52 points by hajola on April 11, 2020 | 25 comments
60. | | Why a coronavirus vaccine could take way longer than a year (nationalgeographic.com) |
82 points by pseudolus on April 10, 2020 | 94 comments
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