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Stories from June 6, 2014
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31. Is TDD dead? (martinfowler.com)
84 points by shutton on June 6, 2014 | 93 comments
32. Pints in the sun (pintsinthesun.co.uk)
83 points by grahamel on June 6, 2014 | 47 comments
33. Flickr is removing Facebook and Google sign-in (yahoo.com)
81 points by nyodeneD on June 6, 2014 | 93 comments
34. The Single Transistor Radio (mindtribe.com)
78 points by jerryr on June 6, 2014 | 30 comments
35. What was Alan Turing really like? (bbc.co.uk)
77 points by Turukawa on June 6, 2014 | 22 comments
36. An S.O.S. in a Saks Bag (newyorker.com)
76 points by danielpal on June 6, 2014 | 24 comments
37. Why Game Developers Keep Getting Laid Off (kotaku.com)
74 points by footpath on June 6, 2014 | 108 comments
38. The MakeGamesWithUs Online Academy (makegameswith.us)
73 points by sama on June 6, 2014 | 39 comments
39. How I increased conversion on my checkout form (pud.com)
71 points by wasd on June 6, 2014 | 21 comments
40. Some numbers about NSA's data collection (electrospaces.blogspot.com)
72 points by posthumangr on June 6, 2014
41. Open Source Craft Brewery (twbrewing.com)
71 points by innoying on June 6, 2014 | 22 comments
42. [dupe] Six governments tap Vodafone calls (reuters.com)
75 points by Varcht on June 6, 2014 | 6 comments
43. Counterparty: Peer-to-Peer Finance on Bitcoin (counterparty.co)
67 points by coinburgers on June 6, 2014 | 16 comments
44. Favicon checker (realfavicongenerator.net)
64 points by ttty on June 6, 2014 | 18 comments
45. Frustrated Scholar Creates New Way to Fund and Publish Academic Work (chronicle.com)
69 points by mathattack on June 6, 2014 | 21 comments
46. City of Seattle Data Portal (seattle.gov)
59 points by finnn on June 6, 2014 | 21 comments
47. Nod - Touchless Interaction (hellonod.com)
59 points by tsudot on June 6, 2014 | 44 comments
48. Blame for 'switch from hell' falls heavily on one GM engineer (autonews.com)
58 points by r0h1n on June 6, 2014 | 63 comments
49. Bruteforcing the Devil (passcod.name)
46 points by Pfiffer on June 6, 2014 | 26 comments
50. How FBI Informant Sabu Helped Anonymous Hack Brazil (vice.com)
57 points by WestCoastJustin on June 6, 2014 | 16 comments
51. Fast Food for the Mind: Why I Don't Have a Facebook or Twitter Account (forbes.com/sites/sungardas)
55 points by daktanis on June 6, 2014 | 39 comments
52. Show HN: Create beautiful animated gifs of your apps (appgif.net)
49 points by sloankev on June 6, 2014 | 18 comments
53. Rabbit-proof fence (wikipedia.org)
49 points by lelf on June 6, 2014 | 36 comments
54. Dawn, a Docker based PaaS in Ruby (github.com/dawn)
51 points by archseer on June 6, 2014 | 8 comments
55. HTTP 402 – Payment Required (w3.org)
43 points by jnbiche on June 6, 2014 | 33 comments
56. Mojang threatens lawyers against pay-to-win Minecraft server operators (tian.io)
48 points by atian on June 6, 2014 | 51 comments
57. The case for banning laptops in the classroom. (newyorker.com)
41 points by DLay on June 6, 2014 | 63 comments
58. Why is there so much hate for .NET?
37 points by grexican on June 6, 2014 | 40 comments
59. Show HN: News site solely based on what people share (newsscale.com)
39 points by throwaway1270 on June 6, 2014 | 15 comments
60. Google Trends: Golang is popular in China (google.com)
43 points by gejjaxxita on June 6, 2014 | 43 comments

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