31. | | What Does The Business Guy Do Pre-Launch? (swombat.com) |
50 points by gatsby on May 30, 2011 | 15 comments
32. | | Twitter Close To Acquiring AdGrok (techcrunch.com) |
48 points by gsharma on May 30, 2011 | 7 comments
33. | | Oddities about JavaScript (smashingmagazine.com) |
45 points by fogus on May 30, 2011 | 30 comments
34. | | Linux 3.0-rc1 bikeshed painting begins (lkml.org) |
45 points by mcbain on May 30, 2011 | 4 comments
35. | | Human Brain Limits Twitter Friends To 150 (technologyreview.com) |
41 points by tokenadult on May 30, 2011 | 15 comments
36. | | Pelican - A simple weblog generator written in Python (notmyidea.org) |
39 points by bcl on May 30, 2011 | 15 comments
37. | | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (lectures) (eecs.berkeley.edu) |
39 points by helwr on May 30, 2011 | 6 comments
38. | | Show HN: Todos: Backbone.js example + Google App Engine (Python) (github.com/ccarpenterg) |
38 points by ccarpenterg on May 30, 2011 | 10 comments
39. | | Skylon space plane gets a thumbs-up (cnet.com) |
37 points by inshane on May 30, 2011 | 11 comments
40. | | The Next 6 Months Worth Of Features Are In Facebook’s Code Right Now (techcrunch.com) |
36 points by srikar on May 30, 2011 | 9 comments
41. | | Asus Unveils Padfone Hybrid Android Smartphone-Tablet (hothardware.com) |
36 points by bigwophh on May 30, 2011 | 19 comments
42. | | Designing Incentives for Crowdsourcing Workers (crowdflower.com) |
34 points by wslh on May 30, 2011 | 2 comments
43. | | Introducing the Startup Genome Project (maxmarmer.com) |
34 points by miraj on May 30, 2011 | 2 comments
44. | | Xtext - Language Development Framework (eclipse.org) |
31 points by thibaut_barrere on May 30, 2011 | 8 comments
45. | | Linus Renames 2.6.40 Kernel To Linux 3.0, Announces Release Candidate (phoronix.com) |
30 points by achyuta on May 30, 2011 | 6 comments
46. | | Superscalar Programming 101 (intel.com) |
29 points by octopus on May 30, 2011
47. | | Human Based Translation API (mygengo.com) |
28 points by franze on May 30, 2011 | 9 comments
48. | | RMS cancels talks in Israel (perl.org) |
27 points by dharmatech on May 30, 2011 | 14 comments
49. | | Building Android Apps with Scala and Intellij (nevercertain.com) |
27 points by DanielRibeiro on May 30, 2011 | 2 comments
50. | | Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management (leadershipnow.com) |
26 points by wallflower on May 30, 2011 | 8 comments
51. | | Googles Docs Found Hosting Phishing Sites & Other Questionable Forms (readwriteweb.com) |
25 points by kmfrk on May 30, 2011 | 20 comments
52. | | The quantum computer is growing up (physorg.com) |
24 points by Vadoff on May 30, 2011
53. | | Lulzsec Hack's PBS in Response to Frontline Documentary (nytimes.com) |
24 points by tyrewebdesign on May 30, 2011 | 11 comments
54. | | Phishing Sites Hosted on Google's Servers (f-secure.com) |
23 points by nowsourcing on May 30, 2011 | 8 comments
55. | | My weekend project: sbit3, a pastebin for files. (github.com/victortrac) |
21 points by vtrac on May 30, 2011 | 6 comments
56. | | Code Review: How the CoffeeScript compiler works (dailyjs.com) |
20 points by TrevorBurnham on May 30, 2011 | 2 comments
57. | | Yes, We’ve Seen the Dalton Caldwell Video. What About It? (earbits.com) |
21 points by earbitscom on May 30, 2011 | 1 comment
58. | | My side project: a more efficient way to work through your Instapaper bookmarks (readlen.com) |
19 points by YuriNiyazov on May 30, 2011 | 5 comments
59. | | A macro-assembler in 96 lines (1300 bytes of object code) (strotmann.de) |
19 points by gnosis on May 30, 2011 | 6 comments
60. | | How Unity, Compiz, GNOME Shell & KWin Affect Performance (phoronix.com) |
18 points by CrazedGeek on May 30, 2011
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